Introduction. Terminology.; Chapter 1. The Solution-Focused Approach.; Chapter 2. The Ingredients of Success.; Chapter 3. The key Assumptions of SFBT.; Chapter 4. SFBT Myths and Misunderstandings.; Chapter 5. The 'Building Blocks' of SFBT.; Chapter 6. The Working Relationship.; Chapter 7. Where to Start?; Chapter 8. Awareness of Language.; Chapter 9. Scaling.; Chapter 10. The First Session.; Chapter 11. Tasking and Assignments.; Chapter 12. How to Avoid getting Stumped. Exercises and Revision.; Exercise One - Goal Setting.; Exercise Two - Looking for Exceptions.; Exercise Three - Practice with Scales.; Exercise Four - Strengths and Resources.; Exercise Five - Positive and Negative Labels.; Exercise Six - The Miracle Question.; Exercise Seven - Simple Steps.; Exercise Eight - Consult the Expert. Sources. Further Reading, References and other Resources.
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In his book, Winbolt (2011) clearly brings to light SFBT's framework for helping professionals as counsellors, social workers, psychiatrists, and clergy... Throughout the book, Winbolt (2011) reminds therapists the importance of owning strong listening skills and establishing client trust and rapport... In conclusion I recommend this book to therapists who work in limited time-framed counselling settings, who prefer structured and step-by-step techniques, and who counsel clients who have the ability to make cognitive shifts in focus.