Healing Scripts: Using Hypnosis to treat Trauma and Stress is dedicated to the use of hypnotherapy to help victims recoverfrom trauma and stress. This field is desperate for new ideas and solutions and Healing Scripts provides just this - hypnoticinterventions that will reach the source of the pain and anguish of trauma and finally offer some relief.The subjects covered include: Pain, in all its forms; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) including sections on denial, hypervigilenceand hyper-arousal; Acute Stress; Sleep Disorders; and Dissociation, including ego-strengthening and integration. Thebook also contains a separate section devoted to helping children. All will provide the hypnotherapist with practical down toearth suggestions for both the content and context of hypnotic interventions. Furthermore, the rationale for using any particularscript is fully explained through a detailed and illuminating commentary.All practitioners, experienced or inexperienced will find the scripts more than just practical. They have been used and found tobe valid in real life situations and can be used as they are or adapted for the client's specific needs.