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Everything a NQT always wanted to know about starting their teaching career but never dared to ask! This book will take the NQT through a journey which starts with interviews, leads them through the first visit before taking up the job and then into the first hectic weeks and months. Light in touch but rich in content, it can be read around the pool during the holidays before the start of term or kept by the bedside or in a desk drawer for an emergency flick through once teaching gets underway! It expands on the stuff that teacher training touches on, but importantly provides a refreshing look at the nitty-gritty stuff that most training doesn't! Includes:
getting a job
dealing with workload
preparing eye-catching lessons
dealing with parents
pastoral care
being a form tutor
dealing with colleagues
dealing with boys
getting involved in school life
taking trips
career development and much moreA brilliant book for NQTs.
- getting a job - dealing with workload - discipline - preparing eye-catching lessons - dealing with parents - pastoral care - being a form tutor - dealing with colleagues - dealing with boys - getting involved in school life - taking trips - marking - assemblies - career development and much more...