Teaching is an art; with the right techniques, guidance, skills, and practise you can masterfully face any situation the classroom could throw at you. With their fresh perspectives, sage advice and a hint of silliness, Andy, Chris and Gary show you how to unleash your brilliance. Have you ever had a class that are angels for your colleagues but Lucifer incarnate as soon as they cross the threshold of your classroom? Or realised too late that your best-laid lesson plans were doomed from the start? Or had your energy and enthusiasm sapped by a mood-hoovering staffroom Grinch? Not a problem when you've mastered the art of being a brilliant teacher. With plenty of practical advice and top tips, let this book show you how. A brilliant book for teachers. An inspiring, engaging and informative new series that shows you how to transform your practice and become - quite simply - brilliant. The series is edited by Andy Cope, founder of the Art of Brilliance, and underlain by his research into the positive psychology and the science of happiness. Andy says of his work, 'The focus is on translating some of the highbrow academia into clear, simple messages that everyone can take on board.' With wonderful illustrations by Amy Bradley. The first thing you must know about Amy Bradley is that drawing really is her favourite thing; she's been doing it for as long as she can remember! She is now illustrating these artfully brilliant books.