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Edited by Adam Jones
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Adam Jones, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. From 2005-07, he was Associate Research Fellow in the Genocide Studies Program at Yale University. He is author or editor of a dozen books, including Crimes Against Humanity (OneWorld Publications, 2008), Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction (Routledge, 2006), Gendercide and Genocide (Vanderbilt University Press, 2004) and Genocide, War Crimes & the West: History and Complicity (Zed Books, 2004). His scholarly articles on genocide, gender, and human rights have appeared in Journal of Genocide Research, Review of International Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Journal of Human Rights, and other publications. He serves as book review editor of Journal of Genocide Research and executive director of Gendercide Watch (, a Web-based educational initiative that confronts gender-selective atrocities against men and women worldwide.

Volume 1: Genocide in Theory and Law Genocide - Raphael Lemkin Origins of the Legal Prohibition of Genocide - William A. Schabas Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crime of Genocide - United Nations The Crime of State: Penal protection for fundamental freedoms of persons and people - Pieter Drost Revised and Updated Report on the Question of the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - Benjamin Whitaker Intent without Intent - John Quigley The Genocidal State: An overview - Leo Kuper What is Genocide? - Kurt Jonassohn Elements of Genocidal Conflict: Social Groups, Social Destruction and War, - Martin Shaw A Typology of Genocide - Vahakn N. Dadrian Eight Stages of Genocide - Gregory H. Stanton Genocide as a Form of War - Martin Shaw Revolution and Genocide - Robert Melson Power, Genocide and Mass Murder - R.J. Rummel Mass Killing and Genocide - Benjamin A. Valentino The Dark Side of Democracy: The Modern Tradition of Ethnic and Political Cleansing - Michael Mann The Birth of the Ostland out of the Spirit of Colonialism: A Postcolonial Perspective on the Nazi Policy of Conquest and extermination - Jurgen Zimmerer Why Is the Twentieth Century the Century of Genocide? - Mark Levene Genocide and Anthropology - Alexander Laban Hinton Toward a Vocabulary of Massacre and Genocide - Jacques Semelin No Lessons Learned from the Holocaust? Assessing Risks of Genocide and Political Mass Murder since 1955 - Barbara Harff Rape, Genocide, and Women's Human Rights - Catharine A. MacKinnon The Genocidal Continuum: Peace-time Crimes - Nancy Scheper-Hughes On Suffering and Structural Violence: A view from below - Paul Farmer Volume 2: Genocide in History On Cases from Antiquity and Melos - Frank Chalk and Kurt Jonassohn The First Genocide: Carthage, 146 BC - Ben Kiernan The Conquest of America - Tzvetan Todorov The Vendee - A Paradigm Shift? - Mark Levene The Zulu Kingdom as a Genocidal and Post-genocidal Society, c. 1810 to the Present - Michael R. Mahoney Patterns of Frontier Genocide, 1803-1910: The Aboriginal Tasmanians, the Yuki of California, and the herero of Namibia - Benjamin Madley Relations of Genocide in U.S. History - Tony Barta The Question of Genocide in U.S. History - Jeffrey C. Ostler Red Rubber: The story of the rubber slave trade flourishing on the Congo in the year of grace - E.D. Morel A Reckoning - Adam Hochschild Rethinking the Unthinkable: Toward an understanding of the Armenian genocide - Ronald Grigor Suny 'Kill All, Burn All, Loot All': The Nanking Massacre of December 1937 and Japanese policy in China - Callum MacDonald Precedents - Raul Hilberg The Death Factory - Wolfgang Sofsky The Uniqueness of the Holocaust: The historical dimension - Steven T. Katz Uniqueness as Denial: The politics of genocide scholarship - David Stannard The National Socialist Solution of the Gypsy Question - Michael Zimmermann Genocide in Bangladesh - Rounaq Jahan The Cambodian Genocide - 1975-1979 - Ben Kiernan Distinguishing Genocide from War Crimes: Vietnam and Afghanistan re-examined - Helen Fein Introduction - Human Rights Watch Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Eric Marjusen and Martin Mennecke Introduction - Alison Des Forges Disconnecting the Threads: Rwanda and the holocaust reconsidered - Rene Lemarchand Volume 3: Perpetrators, Victims, Bystanders, Rescuers Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the banality of evil - Hannah Arendt The Psychology of Bystanders, Perpetrators, and Heroic Helpers - Ervin Staub Lethal Cogs - Alex Alvarez Killers of Conviction: Groups, ideology, and extraordinary evil - James Waller The Dilemma of Obedience - Stanley Milgram Interpersonal Dynamics in a Simulated Prison - Craig Haney, Curtis Banks and Philip Zimbardo Ordinary Men - Christopher R. Browning Explaining the Perpetrators' Actions: Assessing the competing explanations - Daniel Jonah Goldhagen German Soldiers and the Holocaust: Historiography, research and implications - Omer Bartov The Uniqueness and Normality of the Holocaust - Zygmunt Bauman The Gray Zone - Primo Levi Learning from Nazi Genocide - Robert Jay Lifton and Eric Markusen A Head for an Eye: Revenge in the Cambodian genocide - Alexander Laban Hinton Conclusion - Scott Straus Middleman Minorities and Genocide - Walter P. Zenner The Dialectics of Hate and Desire: Tutsi women and Hutu extremism - Christopher C. Taylor Gendercide and Genocide - Adam Jones Surfacing Children: Limitations of genocidal rape discourse - R. Charli Carpenter Moral Heroism and Extensivity - Samuel P. Oliner and Pearl M. Oliner Whoever Saves a Single Life - Emmy E. Werner Volume 4: Prevention, Intervention, and Accountability The Challenge of Genocide and Genocidal Politics in an Era of Globalisation - Richard Falk The Sovereign Territorial State: The right to genocide - Leo Kuper The United States and Genocide Law: A history of ambivalence - Samantha Power Bystanders to Genocide: Why the United States let the Rwandan genocide happen - Samantha Power 'Some People and not Others' and 'Ethics Humanized' - Jonathan Glover Reflections on how Genocidal Killings are Brought to an End - Alex de Waal and Bridget Conley-Zilkic A New Approach: 'The Responsibility to Protect' and 'The Operational Dimension' - International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty Arguing for Humanitarian Intervention - Michael Walzer Humanitarian Intervention and International Society - Nicholas J. Wheeler East Timor and the New Humanitarian Interventionism - Nicholas J. Wheeler and Tim Dunne Military Expedients against Genocide - John G. Heidenrich An International Peace Army: A proposal for the long-range future - Israel W. Charny Looking Away - Stephen Holmes Suicidal Rebellions and the Moral Hazard of Humanitarian Intervention - Alan J. Kuperman Vengeance and Forgiveness - Martha Minow The Quest for Justice - Aryeh Neier On the Hazards of Foreign Travel for Dictators and Other International Criminals - Marc Weller Institutional Responses to Genocide and Mass Atrocity - Ernesto Verdeja International Citizens' Tribunals on Human Rights - Arthur Jay Klinghoffer The Psychology and Politics of Genocide Denial: A comparison of four case studies - Henry R. Huttenbach Leaving the Past Alone - Priscilla B. Hayner The Politics of Apology - Colin Tatz Toward a Theory of Restitution - Elazar Barkan

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