Introduction: Contentious Technologies - Victoria Carrington and Muriel Robinson PART A - DIGITAL TEXTS IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL Young people's video productions as new sites of learning - Rebekah Willet A space for play: crossing boundaries and learning online - Julia Davies Masters and critics: children as producers of online digital texts - Clare Dowdall PART B - CHANGING LITERACIES From Wikipedia to the humble classroom Wiki: why we should pay attention to Wikis - Victoria Carrington Negotiating the blogosphere: educational possibilities - Julia Davies and Guy Merchant Virtual worlds in real life classrooms - Guy Merchant PART C - CHANGING LITERACIES, CHANGING PEDAGOGIES Personal digital literacies versus classroom literacies: investigating pre-service teachers' digital lives in and beyond the classroom - Cathy Burnett Digital portraits: teacher education and multiliteracies pedagogy - Rosie Kerin Composing with Old and New Media: Toward a Parallel Pedagogy - Kevin Leander PART D - INTERCONNECTIVITY Conclusion: leaving Hong Kong - Muriel Robinson and Victoria Carrington

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'Aimed squarely at new teachers or practitioners engaging in postgraduate research, [this book] is written with relevance and accessibility in mind, and has a practical focus throughout that will be welcomed by newcomers to the field' - Learning, Media and Technology 'This immensely readable book injects a note of passion and urgency into the ongoing discourse on the place of digital literacies in the school curriculum' - British Journal of Educational Technology '[This] book has been skilfully edited. Different chapters explore issues on developing digital literacy in depth but avoid overlap and quote totally different sources....this detailed, thought provoking, quality academic text will be of value to all teacher educators - no matter their subject expertise' - ESCalate 'This is a remarkable book that traverses the landscape of digital literacies and maps out what children and youth are doing with texts in contemporary times. No stone is left unturned in the quest for an understanding of their multimodal, multimedia practices and the result is a highly informative and engaging book that alerts us to the significance of these activities for schooling. There are numerous examples throughout of how digital literacies can be developed in classrooms in exciting ways and the authors, all internationally renowned in the field, expertly align theory and practice in their analyses. This is a book that needs to be read by all those concerned to ensure that literacy curricula and pedagogy are appropriate for twenty-first century classrooms and it will be of interest to classroom teachers, students and researchers alike' - Professor Jackie Marsh, University of Sheffield, UK