Introduction: The Book and How to Use It - Stephen Clarke and Paul Dickinson PART ONE: HISTORIES, IDEOLOGIES AND VALUES OF ENGLISH Developments in English - Paul Dickinson Planning and Progression - Jo Westbrook Assessment - Stephen Clarke Diversities within English: An Inclusive Approach - Jo Westbrook Personalized Learning and Multi-Agency Working - Louise Gazeley PART TWO: LANGUAGE, USE AND VARIETIES Speaking and Listening - Julia Sutherland English Language, Grammar and Functional English - Stephen Clarke Spelling - Stephen Clarke Teaching Multilingual Classrooms - Jenny Verney PART THREE: READERS, WRITERS AND TEXTS Developing Reading in the English Classroom - Val Fraser Wider Reading - Jo Westbrook Writing - Julia Sutherland and Jeff Wilkinson Teaching Poetry - Stephen Clarke PART FOUR: DRAMA, MEDIA AND SHAKESPEARE Introducing Media: Multimodal Texts in English - Keith Perera English and ICT - Paul Dickinson and Guy Merchant Doing Drama - Mick Connell Shakespeare - Stephen Clarke PART FIVE: ENGLISH 14 -19 Critical Literacy and Literary Theory - John Moss AS/A2 English Language - Matthew Beggs AS/A2 English Literature - Nick Hall PART SIX: DEVELOPING AND RESEARCHING PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Research Methodologies for the English Classroom - Jo Westbrook Comparative Perspectives and Pedagogies - Naureen Durrani (with Nazneen Shah), Robinah Kyeyune, Peter Williamson and Jo Westbrook First Steps of the Newly Qualified English Teacher - Paul Dickinson and Naomi Key

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All in all, I would thoroughly recommend the book for both less and more experienced teachers. Sida-Nicholls is to be congratulated on achieving the near-impossible, a concise but readable book on how to teach English successfully within the current school climate. -- Francis Gilbert * NATE ITE Committee *