Social Statistics


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Edited by Roger Penn, Damon Berridge
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Roger Penn is currently Professor of Sociology in the School of Sociology, Social Policy & Social Work at Queen's University Belfast. Previously, he was Professor of Economic Sociology at Lancaster University. He has been a visiting professor at UCLA, UC Berkeley, and the University of Bologna and has authored 14 books including Skilled Workers in the Class Structure; Class, Power and Technology; Social Change and Economic Life in Britain; and Children of International Migrants in Europe. He has edited a range of books including Skill and Occupational Change, Trade Unions in Recession, and two 4 Volume SAGE Series: Social Statistics and The Statistical Analysis of Continuous Data. He has also authored around 150 articles in peer-reviewed journals since 1975. He is currently on the editorial board of the European Journal for Sport and Society. He has a long-standing interest in the sociology of football. He has taught courses in this field for over a decade both at Lancaster University and more recently at Queen's University. He has published a range of articles over recent years that have examined football sociologically. These have included several SAGE Research Methods Case Studies.

VOLUME 1: THE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF AGGREGATE CATEGORICAL DATA On the Influence of Previous Vaccination in Cases of Smallpox - W. R. Macdonell Tables for Testing the Goodness of Fit of Theory to Observation - W. Palin Elderton On The Inheritance in Coat-Colour of Thoroughbred Horses [Grandsire and Grandchildren] - Norman Blanchard Notes on the Theory of Association of Attributes in Statistics - George Undy Yule A Further Study of Statistics Relating to Vaccination and Smallpox - W.R. Macdonell The Law of Ancestral Heredity - Karl Pearson et al On a Property which Holds Good for all Groupings of a Normal Distribution of Frequency for Two Variables, with Applications to the Study of Contingency-Tables for the Inheritance of Unmeasured Qualities - George Undy Yule On the Influence of Bias and of Personal Equation in Statistics of Ill-Defined Qualities: An experimental study - George Undy Yule Reply to Certain Criticisms of Mr G U Yule - Karl Pearson On a New Method of Determining Correlation, when One Variable is given by Alternative and the other By Multiple Categories - Karl Pearson On the General Theory of Multiple Contingency with Special Reference to Partial Contingency - Karl Pearson On the Interpretation of ?2 from Contingency Tables, and the Calculation of P - Ronald A. Fisher On the Application of the ?2 Method to Association and Contingency Tables, with Experimental Illustrations - George Undy Yule Statistical Tests of Agreement between Observation and Hypothesis - Ronald A. Fisher Recent Improvements in Statistical Inference - Harold Hotelling Contingency Tables Involving Small Numbers and the ?2 Test - Frank Yates Contingency Table Interactions - Maurice S. Bartlett Calculation of Chi-Square for Complex Contingency Tables - H.W. Norton George Udny Yule. 1871-1951 - Frank Yates On The Hypothesis of No "Interaction" in a Multi-Way Contingency Table - S.N. Roy and Marvin A. Kastenbaum On Description of Differential Association - David Gold Calculation of Chi-Square to Test the No Three-Factor Interaction Hypothesis - Marvin A. Kastenbaum And Donald E. Lamphiear Tests of Significance for 2 X 2 Contingency Tables - Frank Yates VOLUME 2: STATISTICAL MODELLING OF CATEGORICAL DATA Measures of Association for Cross Classifications - Leo A. Goodman and William H. Kruskal Interactions in Multi-Factor Contingency Tables - John N. Darroch Maximum Likelihood in Three-Way Contingency Tables - M.W. Birch The Detection of Partial Association, II: The general case - M.W. Birch How to Ransack Mobility Tables and Other Kinds of Cross-Classification Tables - Leo A. Goodman A General Model for the Analysis of Surveys - Leo A. Goodman Log Linear Models for Contingency Tables: A generalization of classical least squares - John Nelder A Structural Model of the Mobility Table - Robert M. Hauser How Destination Depends on Origin in the Occupational Mobility Table - Otis Dudley Duncan Criteria for Determining whether Certain Categories in a Cross-Classification Table should be Combined, with Special Reference to Occupational Categories in an Occupational Mobility Table - Leo A. Goodman Structural Transformations in the British Class Structure: A log linear analysis of marital endogamy in Rochdale 1856-1964 - Roger Penn and D. Dawkins Latent Structure Analysis of a Set of Multidimensional Contingency Tables - Clifford C. Clogg and Leo A. Goodman Exchange, Structure and Symmetry in Occupational Mobility - Michael Sobel et al Canonical Analysis of Contingency Tables by Maximum Likelihood - Zvi Gilula And Shelby J. Haberman More Universalism, Less Structural Mobility: The American occupational structure in the 1980s - Michael Hout The Analysis of Multivariate Contingency Tables by Restricted Canonical and Restricted Association Models - Zvi Gilula and Shelby J. Haberman Semi-Parametric Estimation in the Rasch Model and Related Exponential Response Models, including a Simple Latent Class Model for Item Analysis - Bruce Lindsay et al The Impact of Sociological Methodology on Statistical Methodology - Clifford C. Clogg The Effects of Family Disruption on Social Mobility - Timothy J. Biblarz and Adrian E. Raftery VOLUME 3: THE ANALYSIS OF LONGITUDINAL DATA Statistical Inference about Markov Chains - T.W. Anderson and Leo A. Goodman Statistical Methods for the Mover- Stayer Model - Leo A. Goodman A Stochastic Model of Social Mobility - Robert McGinnis Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm - A.P. Dempster et al Dummy Endogenous Variables in a Simultaneous Equation System - James J. Heckman Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error - James J. Heckman Statistical Models for Discrete Panel Data - James J. Heckman The Incidental Parameters Problem and the Problem of Initial Conditions in Estimating a Discrete Time-Discrete Data Stochastic Process - James J. Heckman Control for Omitted Variables in the Analysis of Panel and Other Longitudinal Data - Richard B. Davies and Robert Crouchley The Relationship between a Husband's Unemployment and his Wife's Participation in the Labour Force - Richard B. Davies, Peter Elias and Roger Penn Models for Sample Selection Bias - Christopher Winship and Robert D. Mare An Approximate Generalized Linear Model with Random Effects for Informative Missing Data - Dean Follmann and Margaret Wu Modelling the Drop-Out Mechanism in Repeated-Measures Studies - Roderick J.A. Little Pseudo-Likelihood for Combined Selection and Pattern-Mixture Models for Incomplete Data - Geert Molenberghs, Bart Michiels and Michael G. Kenward, Mixed Effects Logistic Regression Models for Longitudinal Binary Response Data with Informative Drop-Out - T. Ten Have, Allen R. Kunselman, Erik P. Pulkstenis and J. Richard Landis Random Coefficient Models for Binary Longitudinal Responses with Attrition - Marco Alfo and Murray Aitkin A Transition Model for Longitudinal Binary Data Subject To Nonignorable Missing Data - Paul S. Albert Missing Covariates in Longitudinal Data with Informative Dropouts: Bias Analysis and Inference - Jason Roy and Xihong Lin Simple Solutions to the Initial Conditions Problem in Dynamic, Nonlinear Panel Data Models with Unobserved Heterogeneity - Jeffrey M. Wooldridge VOLUME 4: THE STATISTICAL MODELLING OF ORDINAL DATA AND MULTI-LEVEL ANALYSIS Identification and Estimation of Age-Period-Cohort Models in the Analysis of Discrete Archival Data - Stephen E. Fienberg and William M. Mason Regression Models for Ordinal Data [with Discussion] - P. Mccullagh Social Background and School Continuation Decisions - Robert D. Mare Measures of Nominal-Ordinal Association - Alan Agresti Change and Stability in Educational Stratification - Robert D. Mare Regression and Ordered Categorical Variables - J.A. Anderson Statistical Modelling Issues In School Effectiveness Studies - Murray Aitkin and Nick Longford Linear Modelling With Clustered Observations: An illustrative example of earnings in the engineering industry - Richard B. Davies, A. Martin and Roger Penn A Random-Effects Model for Ordered Categorical Data - Robert Crouchley The Analysis of Longitudinal Ordinal Data with Nonrandom Drop-Out - Geert Molenberghs, Michael G. Kenward and Emmanuel Lesaffre Analysis of Nonrandomly Censored Ordered Categorical Longitudinal Data from Analgesic Trials - Lewis B. Sheiner, Stuart L. Beal and Adrian Dunne Modelling Repeated Measures with Monotonic Ordinal Responses and Misclassification, with Applications to Studying Maturation - Paul S. Albert, Sally A. Hunsbergerand Frank M. Biro A Hierarchical Latent Variable Model for Ordinal Data from a Customer Satisfaction Survey with "No Answer" Responses - Eric T. Bradlow and Alan M. Zaslavsky Analysis of Longitudinal Substance Use Outcomes Using Ordinal Random-Effects Regression Models - Donald Hedeker and Robin J. Mermelstein Mixed Effects Logistic Regression Models for Longitudinal Ordinal Functional Response Data with Multiple-Cause Drop-Out from the Longitudinal Study of Aging - Thomas R. Ten Have, Michael E. Miller, Beth A. Reboussin and Margaret K. James Modeling Clustered Ordered Categorical Data: A survey - Alan Agresti and Ranjini Natarajan Joint Regression and Association Modeling Of Longitudinal Ordinal Data - Anders Ekholm et al Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Ordered Responses in Complex Multilevel Structures: Effects beneath the school or college in education - Anthony Fielding and Min Yang A Mixed-Effects Regression Model for Longitudinal Multivariate Ordinal Data - Li C. Liu and Donald Hedeker Modelling Trajectories through the Educational System in North West England - Roger Penn and Damon Berridge The Dynamics of Perception: Modelling subjective well being in a short panel - Stephen Pudney

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