Tessa Muncey is one of the leading names in this field and is the annual organiser and chair of the Mixed Methods Conference.

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Why Do Autoethnography: Discovering the Individual in Research Personal Worlds: Discovering the Constituent Parts of the Individual What is Autoethnography: Making Sense of Individual Experience Planning an Autoethnographic Account Making Sense of Autoethnographic Texts: Legitimacy, Truth and Memory A Complete Autoethnographic Account The Autoethnographic Process: Starting a New Story
Autoethnography, like all research genres, is a contested term with diverse connotations. Muncey offers clarity of understanding of the term, its evolution as a facet of anthropological research, and some of the key influences in postmodernist thought that have helped to widen its application in psychological and sociological disciplines. David McCormack British Journal of Guidance and Counselling