Clinical Psychology II


Treatment Models & Interventions

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By: Edited by Michael Barkham, Gillian E. Hardy, Susan Llewelyn, Graham Turpin
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VOLUME ONE: MODELS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS PART ONE: PSYCHODYNAMIC/ANALYTIC The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud Early Stages of the Oedipus Conflict - Melanie Klein Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds - John Bowlby Etiology and Psychopathology in Light of Attachment Theory PART TWO: BEHAVIOURAL Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It - John Watson Are Theories of Learning Necessary? - B.F. Skinner Learned Helplessness in Humans - Lyn Abramson, Martin Seligman and John Teasdale Critique and Reformulation PART THREE: COMMON FACTORS AND HUMANISTIC Some Implicit Common Factors in Diverse Methods of Psychotherapy - Saul Rosenzweig The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Therapeutic Personality Change - Carl Rogers PART FOUR: COGNITIVE/COGNITIVE-BEHAVIOURAL FOR MOOD DISORDERS Thinking and Depression - Aaron Beck 1. Idiosyncratic Content and Cognitive Distortions Thinking and Depression - Aaron Beck 2. Theory and Therapy A Functional Analysis of Depression - C.B. Ferster A Cognitive Approach to Panic - David Clark Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy for Eating Disorders - Christopher Fairburn, Zafra Cooper and Roz Shafran A 'Transdiagnostic' Theory and Treatment PART FIVE: CHANGE MODELS Stages and Processes of Self?Change of Smoking - James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente Toward an Integrative Model of Change Motivational Interviewing with Problem Drinkers - William Miller Understanding and Preventing Relapse - Kelly Brownell et al PART SIX: CONTEXTUAL MODELS The Need for a New Medical Model - George Engel A Challenge for Biomedicine Terms of Empowerment/Exemplars of Prevention - Julian Rappaport Toward a Theory for Community Psychology Coping Theory and Research - Richard Lazarus Past, Present and Future VOLUME TWO: PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS FOR DISORDERS WITH ADULTS PART ONE: CLASSIC OUTCOME STUDIES Psychotherapy in 200 Cases of Psychoneurosis - James Huddleston The Effects of Psychotherapy - H.J. Eysenck An evaluation Psychotherapy by Reciprocal Inhibition - Joseph Wolpe Short-Term Analytically Oriented Psychotherapy versus Behavior Therapy - R. Bruce Sloane et al Meta-Analysis, Reviews and Empirically Supported Treatments Meta-Analysis of Psychotherapy Outcomes Studies - Mary Lee Smith and Gene Glass Are All Psychotherapies Equivalent? - William Stiles, David Shapiro and Robert Elliott Defining Empirically Supported Therapies - Dianne Chambless and Steven Hollon PART TWO: DEPRESSION National Institute of Mental -Health Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research Program - Irene Elkin et al General Effectiveness of Treatments A Component Analysis of Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment for Depression - Neil Jacobson et al PART THREE: GENERAL ANXIETY DISORDERS Efficacy of Applied Relaxation and Cognitive?Behavioural Therapy in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder - T.D. Borkovec and Ellen Costello Efficacy of a Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Robert Ladouceur et al Evaluation in a Controlled Clinical Trial PART FOUR: OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE, PTSD, PANIC DISORDER AND SOCIAL PHOBIA Abnormal and Normal Obsessions - S. Rachman and P. De Silva Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Rape Victims - Edna Foa et al A Comparison between Cognitive-Behavioural Procedures and Counseling Cognitive-Behavioural Group Therapy versus Phenelzine Therapy for Social Phobia - Richard Heimberg et al 12- Week Outcome Cognitive? Behavioural Therapy, Imipramine or Their Combination for Panic Disorder - David Barlow et al A Randomized Controlled Trial PART FIVE : BULIMIA Three Psychological Treatments for Bulimia Nervosa - Christopher Fairburn et al A Comparative Trial PART SIX: MARITAL Traditional versus Integrative Behavioural Couple Therapy for Significantly and Chronically Distressed Married Couples - Andrew Christensen et al PART SEVEN: COMMUNITY Community Mental-Health Services for Ethnic-Minority Groups - Stanley Sue et al A Test of the Cultural Responsiveness Hypothesis VOLUME THREE: PSYCHOLOGICAL MODELS AND INTERVENTIONS FOR COMPLEX MENTAL- HEALTH PROBLEMS, OLDER ADULTS AND LEARNING DISABILITIES PART ONE: COMPLEX INTERVENTIONS: MODELS AND AETIOLOGY Borderline Personality Organization - Otto Kernberg Influence of Family and Social Factors on Course of Psychiatric Illness - C.E Vaughn and J.P. Leff A Comparison of Schizophrenic and Depressed Neurotic Patients Vulnerability - Joseph Zubin and Bonnie Spring A New View of Schizophrenia Abandoning the Concept of 'Schizophrenia' - R.P. Bentall, H.F. Jackson and D. Pilgrim Some Implications of Validity Arguments for Psychological Research into Psychotic Phenomena The Omnipotence of Voices - Paul Chadwick and Max Birchwood A Cognitive Approach to Auditory Hallucinations Childhood Trauma, Psychosis and Schizophrenia - J.Read et al A Literature Review with Theoretical and Clinical Implications PART TWO: SCHIZOPHRENIA AND PSYCHOSES A Controlled Trial of Social Intervention in the Families of Schizophrenic Patients - Julian Leff et al Family Management in the Prevention of Exacerbations of Schizophrenia - Ian Falloon et al A Controlled Study EPPIC - Patrick McGorry et al An Evolving System of Early Detection and Optimal Management Randomized Controlled Trial of Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy and Family Intervention for Patients with Co-Morbid Schizophrenia and Substance-Use Disorders - Christine Barrowclough et al PART THREE: BORDERLINE PERSONALITY Cognitive?Behavioural Treatment of Chronically Parasuicidal Borderline Patients - Marsha Linehan et al Effectiveness of Partial Hospitalization in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder - Anthony Bateman and Peter Fonagy A Randomized Controlled Trial PART FOUR: LEARNING DISABILITIES AND CHALLENGING BEHAVIOURS Reducing Behaviour Problems through Functional Communication Training - Edward Carr and V. Mark Durand Effects of Anger Management Training with Mentally Retarded Adults in Group Treatment - Betsy Benson, Christine Rice and S. Vincent Miranti Opportunity and the Promotion of Activity among Adults with Severe Intellectual Disability Living in Community Residences - E. Jones et al The Impact of Training Staff in Active Support PART FIVE: OLDER ADULTS AND CARERS Comparative Effectiveness of Psychotherapies for Depressed Elders - Larry Thompson, Dolores Gallagher and Julia Steinmetz Breckenridge Meta?Analysis of Psychosocial Interventions for Caregivers of People with Dementia - Henry Brodaty, Alisa Green and Annette Koschera VOLUME FOUR: APPLICATIONS WITH CHILDREN AND WITH ADULTS PRESENTING WITH HEALTH AND PHYSICAL-RELATED PROBLEMS PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS WITH CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS PART ONE: GENERAL Identifying and Developing Empirically Supported Child and Adolescent Treatments - Alan Kazdin and John Weisz PART TWO: PRESENTING CONDITIONS Cognitive Problem-Solving Skills Training and Parent Management Training in the Treatment of Anti-Social Behaviour in Children - Alan Kazdin, Todd Siegel and Debra Bass Treating Anxiety Disorders in Children - Philip Kendall Results of a Randomized clinical trial A Treatment-Outcome Study for Sexually Abused Pre-School Children - Judith Cohen and Anthony Mannarino Initial Findings Family Treatment of Childhood Anxiety - Paula Barrett, Dadds and R.M. Rapee A Controlled Trial Controlled Trial of a Brief Cognitive-Behavioural Intervention in Adolescent Patients with Depressive Disorders - A. Wood, R. Harrington and A. Moore Family Therapy for Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa - Ivan Eisler et al Cognitive-Behavioural Family Treatment of Childhood Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Paula Barrett, Lara Healy-Farrell and John March A Controlled Trial PART THREE: LEARNING DISABILITIES, AUTISM AND ATTENTION-DEFICIT/HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER Psychological Theory and the Study of Learning Disabilities - Ann Brown and Joseph Campione Behavioural Treatment and Normal Educational and Intellectual Functioning in Young Autistic Children - O. Ivar Lovaas Cost?Effectiveness of ADHD Treatments - P.S. Jensen et al Findings from the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD PART FOUR: PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO HEALTH AND PHYSICALLY RELATED PROBLEMS PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS WITH HEALTH-RELATED PROBLEMS Psychological Outcomes of Different Treatment Policies in Women with Early Breast Cancer Outcome - L.J. Fallowfield et al A Clinical Trial Can Lifestyle Change Reverse Coronary Heart Disease? - Dean Ornish et al Psychological Effects of Chronic Disease - Christine Eiser The Dual-Process Model of Coping with Bereavement - Margaret Stroebe and Henk Schut Rationale and Description Psychosocial Interventions or Patients with Cancer - F.I. Fawzy What Works and What Doesn't Systematic Review and Meta?Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials of Cognitive- Behaviour Therapy and Behaviour Therapy for Chronic Pain in Adults, Excluding Headache - Stephen Morley, Christopher Eccleston and Amanda Williams PART FIVE: PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS WITH NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS Wood Neuropsychological Rehabilitation after Closed Head Injury in Young Adults - George Prigatano et al PART SIX: PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS FOR PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA Towards a Theory of Dementia Care - Tom Kitwood The Interpersonal Process Efficacy of an Evidence?Based Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Programme for People with Dementia - Aimee Spector et al Randomized Controlled Trial

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