Clinical Psychology I


Assessment & Formulation

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Edited by Michael Barkham, Gillian E. Hardy, Susan Llewelyn, Graham Turpin
Release Date:
234 x 156 mm
2960 g

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VOLUME ONE: FOUNDATIONS OF ASSESSMENT PART ONE: HISTORY OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY Clinical Psychology - Lightner Witmer A Brief History of Clinical Psychology - Robert Watson What Is Clinical Psychology? - David Shakow PART TWO: CONTEXT AND CULTURE A Culture?Free Intelligence Test I - Raymond Cattell Sex?Role Stereotypes and Clinical Judgements of Mental Health - Inge Broverman et al On Being Sane in Insane Places - David Rosenhan Rediscovery of the Subject - Enrico Jones and Avril Thorne Intercultural Approaches to Clinical Assessment PART THREE: CONCEPTUAL ISSUES IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY ASSESSMENT The Myth of Illness - Thomas Szasz Schizotaxia, Schizotypy, Schizophrenia - Paul Meehl PART FOUR: DIAGNOSIS ISSUES AND DEBATES Psychiatric Diagnosis - Edward Zigler and Leslie Phillips A Critique The Advantages of Studying Psychological Phenomena Rather Than Psychiatric Diagnoses - Jacqueline Persons The Multidimensional Nature of Schizotypal Traits - R.P. Bentall, G.S. Claridge and P.D. Slade A Factor Analytic Study with Normal Subjects Categorical versus Dimensional Classification - Thomas Widiger Implications from and for Research Recovery from Mental Illness - William Anthony The Guiding Vision of the Mental-Health Service System in the 1990s PART FIVE: CASE FORMULATION METHODS Multimodal Behavior Therapy - Arnold Lazarus Treating the 'Basic Id' Clinicians Can Agree in Assessing Relationship Patterns in Psychotherapy - Paul Crits-Christoph et al The Core Conflictual Relationship Theme Method Psychodynamic and Cognitive? Behavioral Formulations of a Single Case - Jacqueline Persons, John Curtis and George Silberschatz Is Cognitive Case Formulation Science or Science Fiction? - Peter Bieling and Wilem Kuyken VOLUME TWO: ASSESSMENT: CLINICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES PART ONE: PROJECTIVE TECHNIQUES A Method for Investigating Fantasies - Christiana Morgan and Henry Murray The Thematic Apperception Test Three Rorschach Interpretations - Hermann Rorschach PART TWO: OBSERVATIONAL/BEHAVIOR The Relevance of Reliability and Validity for Behavioural Assessment - John Cone Considerations in the Choice Inter-Observer Reliability Estimates - Donald Hartmann The Treatment Utility of Assessment - Steven Hayes, Rosemery Nelson and Robin Jarrett A Functional Approach Evaluating Assessment Quality PART THREE: DIAGNOSTIC AND CLINICAL INTERVIEWS The Concept of a 'Case' in Psychiatric Population Surveys - J.K. Wing et al Psychiatric Interviewing Techniques IV: Experimental Study: Four Contrasting Style - Michael Rutter et al Satisfaction, Compliance and Communication - Philip Ley PART FOUR: PSYCHOMETRICS: VALIDITY, RELIABILITY AND MEANING Construct Validity in Psychological Tests - Lee Cronbach and Paul Meehl Convergent and Discriminant Validation by the Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix - Donald Campbell and Donald Fiske Intra-Class Correlations - Patrick Shout and Joseph Fleiss Uses in Assessing Rater Reliability Clinical versus Actuarial Judgment - Robyn Dawes, David Faust and Paul Meehl Clinical Significance - Neil Jacobson and Paula Truax A Statistical Approach to Defining Meaningful Change in Psychotherapy Research PART FIVE: SINGLE CASE METHODS The Single Case in Clinical?Psychological Research - M.B. Shapiro Drawing Valid Inferences from Case Studies - Alan Kazdin PART SIX: CASE STUDY APPROACHES Case Study Approach in Neuropsychological Research - Tim Shallice Toward a Functional Analysis of Self-Injury - Brian Iwata et al PART SEVEN: QUALITATIVE APPROACHES The Judged, not the Judges - Robert Bogdan and Steven Taylor An View of Mental Retardation Evolving Guidelines for Publication of Qualitative Research Studies in Psychology and Related Fields - Robert Elliott, Constance Fischer and David Rennie VOLUME THREE: ASSESSMENT OF THE PERSON: DOMAINS OF FUNCTIONING PART ONE: COGNITIVE/EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING A Standarized Memory Scale for Clinical Use - David Wechsler A Simple Objective Technique for Measuring Flexibility in Thinking - Esta Berg Deficits in Strategy Application Following Frontal Lobe Damage in Man - Tim Shallice and Paul Burgess The Ecological Validity of Tests of Executive Function - Paul Burgess et al PART TWO: PERSONALITY A Multiphasic Personality Schedule (Minnesota) - S.R. Hathaway and J.C. McKinley I. Construction of the Schedule Validation and Intensification of the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire - Raymond Cattell A Revised Version of the Psychoticism Scale - S.B.G. Eysenck, H.J. Eysenck and Paul Barrett Validation of the Five?Factor Model of Personality across Instruments and Observers - Robert McCrae and Paul Costa Jr. PART THREE: SYMPTOMS/MOOD/EMOTION/WELL-BEING The Association between Self?Esteem and Anxiety - Morris Rosenberg Symptom Checklist (HSCL) - Leonard Derogatis et al Self?Report Symptom Inventory Scaled Version of the General Health Questionnaire - D.P.Goldberg and V.F.Hillier Assessing Social Support - Irwin Sarason et al The Social Support Questionnaire Development and Validation of Brief Measures of Positive and Negative Affect - David Watson, Lee Anna Clark and Auke Tellegen The PANAS Scales PART FOUR: EPIDEMIOLOGY/LIFE EVENTS Non-Specific Psychological Distress and Other Dimensions of Psychopathology - Bruce Dohrenwend et al Measures for Use in the General Population Life Events, Vulnerability and Onset of Depression - G. Brown, A. Bifulco and T. Harris Some Refinements PART FIVE: CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Childre - Joan Kaufman et al Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADSPL) - Initial Reliability and Validity Data The Revised Conners' Parent Rating Scale (CPRS-R) - C. Keith Conners et al Factor Structure, Reliability and Criterion Validity Psychometric Properties of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire - Robert Goodman PART SIX: OLDER PEOPLE The Kendrick Battery of Tests - Don Kendrick Theoretical Assumptions and Clinical Uses The Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) - Christopher Randolph et al Preliminary Clinical Validity VOLUME FOUR: CONDITION-SPECIFIC FUNCTIONING FOR SPECIFIC POPULATIONS PART ONE: SELF-REPORT MEASURES OF COMMON MENTAL-HEALTH PROBLEMS A Rating Scale for Depression - Max Hamilton Obsessive?Compulsive Complaints - R.J. Hodgson and S. Rachman The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale - A.S. Zigmond and R.P. Snaith Psychometric Properties of the Beck Depression Inventory - Aaron Beck, Robert Steer and Margery Garbin 25 Years of Evaluation The Development of a Six?Item Short?Form of the State Scale of the Spielberger State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) - Theresa Marteau and Hilary Bekker PART TWO: COMPLEX AND CHRONIC PRESENTATIONS Principles and Practice of Measuring Needs in the Long-Term Mentally Ill - C.R. Brewin et al The MRC Needs for Care Assessment A Quality of Life Interview for the Chronically Mentally-Ill - Anthony Lehman The Social Functioning Scale - M. Birchwood et al The Development and Validation of a New Scale of Social Adjustment for Use in Family Intervention Programmes with Schizophrenic Patients Scales to Measure Dimensions of Hallucinations and Delusions - G. Haddock et al The Psychotic Symptom Scales (PSYRATS) PART THREE: PHYSICAL AND ADDICTIONS The McGill Pain Questionnaire - Ronald Melzack Major Properties and Scoring Methods Development of the Alcohol?Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) - John Saunders et al WHO Collaborative Project in Early Detection of Persons with Harmful Alcohol Consumption - II PART FOUR: NEUROPSYCHOLOGY Basic Approaches Used in American and Soviet Clinical Neuropsychology - A.R. Luria and Lawrence Majovski The Development and Validation of a Test Battery for and Monitoring Everyday Memory Problems - Barbara Wilson et al PART FIVE: ORGANIZATIONS, ENVIRONMENTS AND SERVICES The Social Re-Adjustment Rating Scale - Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe Perceived Ward Climate and Treatment Outcome - Rudolf Moos, Robert Shelton and Charles Petty The Myth of the Hero Innovator and Alternative Strategies for Organizational Change - Nicholas Georgiades and Lynda Phillimore Assessment of Client/Patient Satisfaction - Daniel Larsen et al Development of a General Scale Social?Role Valorization - Wolf Wolfensberger A Proposed New Term for the Principle of Normalization

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