International Social Work


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Edited by Mel Gray, Stephen A Webb
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In 2008 Stephen Webb was appointed from the University of Sussex, UK to the University of Newcastle. He is Professor of Human Sciences and Director of the newly established Research Institute for Social Inclusion and Wellbeing (RISIW). Professor Webb is one of the worlds leading international researchers in the field of human services, Social Policy and is a pioneer of evidence-based practice research. His influential international research and publications since the late 1980s have significantly enriched the field of human services research by bringing innovative theoretical and methodological perspectives to the evaluation of social interventions and professional practice. His 2006 book Social Work in a Risk Society is widely acclaimed by international reviewers as demonstrating advanced scholarship and integrating sociological analysis to construct new conceptual and methodological frameworks in social work. His 2001 publication: 'Some considerations on the validity of evidence-based practice in social work', British Journal of Social Work, 31 (1), pp.57-79 is the world's highest cited social work (field 1607) publication and ranked as the most influential journal article in the discipline over the past decade (Hodge, 2011).

VOLUME ONE: WELFARE THEORY AND APPROACHES Perspectives on the Development of Welfare Citizenship and Social Class - T. H. Marshall The Three Political Economies of the Welfare State - Gosta Esping-Anderson The New Politics of the Welfare State - Paul Pierson Welfarism, Governance and the State Some Contradictions of the Modern Welfare State - Claus Offe Society, the State, Social Problems and Social Policy - Vic George and Paul Wilding Relief, Labour and Civil Disorder: An overview - Francis Fox Piven and Richard Cloward The Changing Governance of Welfare: Recent trends in its primary functions, scale, and modes of coordination - Bob Jessop Welfare Professionals and Street Level Bureaucrats Professional Work - Andrew Abbott Am I my Brother's Keeper? - Zygmunt Bauman The Professional is Political - Ann Hartman Street-level Bureaucrats as Policy Makers - Michael Lipsky Gender, Care and the Subject of Welfare Women and Social Welfare - Gillian Pascall Gender and the Development of Welfare Regimes - Jane Lewis The Concept of Social Care and the Analysis of Contemporary Welfare States - Mary Daly and Jane Lewis Good-enough Principles for Welfare - Fiona Williams Democratic Subjects - Barbara Cruikshank Welfare and Social Development Growth, Redistribution, and Welfare: Toward social investment - James Midgley The Place of Social Capital in Understanding Social and Economic Outcomes - Michael Woolcock VOLUME TWO: SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE Practice Perspectives Is Social Work a Profession? - Abraham Flexner The Problem-Solving Work - Helen Harris Perlman Is Casework Effective? A review - Joel Fischer Conceptions of Social Work - Juliet Cheetham The Life Model of Social Work Practice: An overview - Carel Germain and Alex Gitterman Behavioral Social Work: Past, present, and future - Eileen Gambrill The Strengths Perspective in Social Work Practice: Extensions and cautions - Dennis Saleebey Knowledge for Practice Knowledge for Social Work - Olive Stevenson Boundaries of Social Work or Social Work of Boundaries - Andrew Abbott Notes on the Form of Knowledge in Social Work - Mark Philip Many Ways of Knowing - Ann Hartman The Knowledge Base of Social Work Practice: Theory, wisdom, analogue, or art - Howard Goldstein The Ethical Implications of Current Theoretical Developments in Social Work - Mel Gray The Theory and Practice relationship Some Thoughts on the Relationship between Theory and Practice in and for Social Work - Nigel Parton Surface and Depth in Social Work Practice - David Howe Practice Assessment Reflections on the Assessment of Outcomes in Child Care - Roy Parker Common Errors of Reasoning in Child Protection Work - Eileen Munro Practicing Empowerment Rethinking Empowerment - Barbara Levy Simon Empowerment and Oppression: An indissoluble pairing for contemporary social work - David Ward and Audrey Mullender Empowering Practice: Understanding and managing user-worker processes - Suzy Braye and Michael Preston-Shoot VOLUME THREE: SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH Mapping the Social Work Research Agenda Cutting Edge Issues in Social Work Research - Ian F. Shaw Confirmational Response Bias among Social Work Journals - William M. Epstein A Code of Ethics for Social Work and Social Care Research - Ian Butler Research Note: Research and empowerment - Peter Beresford and Clare Evans Qualitative Social Work Research The Social Work Context for Qualitative Research - Ian F. Shaw and Nick Gould Does the Glove Really Fit? Qualitative research and clinical social work practice - Deborah K. Padgett Theorizing from Practice: Towards an inclusive approach for social work research - Jan Fook Issues of Visibility and Colleague Relationships - Andrew Pithouse Researching Reflective Practice Schon Shock: A case for refraining reflection-in-action? - Michael Eraut There's No Such Thing as Reflection - Graham Ixer Evidence-based Social Work Developing Empirically Based Models of Practice - Betty J. Blythe and Scott Briar Evidence-Based Social Care: Wheels off the runway? - Geraldine Macdonald Some Considerations on the Validity of Evidence-based Practice in Social Work - Stephen Webb The Validity of Evidence-Based Practice in Social Work: A reply to Stephen Webb - Brian Sheldon Evidence-Based Practice: Counterarguments and objections - Leonard Gibbs and Eileen Gambrill Evidence-Based Practice and Social Work - C. Aaron McNeece and Bruce A. Thyer Critical Perspectives The Relationship between Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Paradigm loyalty versus methodological eclecticism - Martyn Hammersley Science, Research, and Social Work: Who controls the profession - H. Jacob Karger The Quest for Evidence-Based Practice? We are all positivists! - Bruce A. Thyer Evaluation with One Eye Closed: The empiricist agenda in social work research - Peter Rayner The Limits of Positivism in Social Work Research - David Smith Beyond Retroduction?-Hermeneutics, reflexivity and social work practice - Susan White VOLUME FOUR: FUTURE CHALLENGES The Future(s) of Social Work The Social Work Revolution - Joel Fischer Social Work Practice in the 21st Century - Brian Sheldon The Movement of Social Work to Private Practice (and Away From the Poor) - Harry Specht and Mark E. Courtney Social Work in the University - W.M. Epstein Social Work at the Crossroads - Mark Lymbery The Future of Social Work as a Profession - Leon Ginsberg Social Work, Modernity and Postmodernity Social Work, Modernity and Post Modernity - Graham B. McBeath and Stephen Webb Modernity, Postmodernity and Social Work - David Howe Deprofessionalizing Social Work: Anti-oppressive practice, competencies and postmodernism - Lena Dominelli Problematics of Government, (Post) Modernity and Social Work - Nigel Parton Parton, Howe and Postmodernity: A critical comment on mistaken identity - Carole Smith and Susan White New Policies and Technologies Mapping Child-Care Social Work in the Final Years of the Twentieth Century: A critical response to the 'looking after children' system' - Paul Michael Garrett Tough Love: Social work, social exclusion and the third way - Bill Jordan The Impact of Audit on Social Work Practice - Eileen Munro Clinical Practice Guidelines: Should social work develop them? - Matthew Owen Howard and Jeffery M. Jenson Interprofessionality in Health and Social Care: The Achilles' heel of partnership? - Bob Hudson Service Users, Social Policy and the Future of Welfare - Peter Beresford International Social Work Professionalization in Social Work: The challenge of diversity - Richard Hugman Issues in International Social Work: Resolving critical debates in the profession - James Midgley Local Orders and Global Chaos in Social Work - Stephen Webb Defining Social Work for the 21st Century - Isadora Hare Dilemmas of International Social Work: Paradoxical processes in indigenization, universalism and imperialism - Mel Gray

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