Peter Allen is Head of the Complex Systems Management Centre in the School of Management at Cranfield University, co-Editor- in-Chief of Emergence: Complexity and Organization, Director and Co-Founder of The Complexity Society. Professor Allen has worked for 25years on the mathematical modelling of change and innovation in urban, social, economic, financial and ecological systems, and the development of integrated systems models. He has written and edited several books and published well over 200 articles in a range of fields including ecology, social science, urban and regional science, economics, systems theory, and physics. Steve Maguire,is Associate Professor of Strategy and Organization in the Faculty of Management at McGill University. He recently completed a comprehensive review (with Prof Bill McKelvey and PhD students Laurent Mirabeau and Nail Oztas) of the field of "Complexity Science and Organization Studies" which appears as a new commissioned chapter in the 2006 second edition of the our Handbook of Organization Studies. In addition, he co-edited (with Bill McKelvey) in 1999 a special issue of Emergence devoted to reviewing the plethora of books addressing "Complexity and Management", and he has also authored several book chapters on the topic. Bill McKelvey received his Ph.D. from MIT in 1967 and is currently Professor of Strategic Organizing and Complexity Science at the UCLA. His book, Organizational Systematics (1982) remains the definitive treatment of organizational evolution and taxonomy. In 1997 he became Director of the Center for Rescuing Strategy and Organization Science (SOS). He was a founder of UCLA's Center for Human Complex Systems & Computational Social Science. Recently McKelvey co-edited Variations in Organization Science (1999) and a special issue of the journal, Emergence. Forthcoming book is: Complexity Dynamics in Organizations: Applications of Order-Creation Science (Cambridge University Press).
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Introduction - Peter Allen, Steve Maguire and Bill McKelvey PART ONE: FOUNDATIONS Key Concepts Complexity and Systems Thinking - Yasmin Merali and Peter Allen Complexity Science and Organization - Raymond-Alain Thietart and Bernard Forgues Emergence in Complex Systems - Jeffrey Goldstein Constructing and Appreciating Complexity - Steve Maguire Thoughts on Complexity and Computational Models - Michael J. Prietula Epistemological Perspectives and Considerations A Scientific Realist Epistemology for Complexity Science - Bill McKelvey Exploring Organizational Effectiveness: The Value of Complex Realism as a Frame of Reference and Systematic Comparison as a Method - David Byrne Complexity, Post-Structuralism and Organization - Paul Cilliers Causality and Explanation - Alicia Juarrero Complexity and Limits to Knowledge: The Importance of Uncertainty - Peter Allen and Jean Boulton Complex Thinking: Towards an Oblique Strategy for Dealing with the Complex - Robert Chia Methodological Implications and Tools Applications of Kauffman's Co-Evolutionary NKCS Model to Management and Organization Studies - Richard Vigden and Larry Bull Using Genetic Algorithms to Model Strategic Interaction - William Martin Tracy Organizing at the Edge of Chaos: Insights from Action Research - Donald Maclean and Robert Macintosh From Skew Distributions to Power-Law Science - Pierpaolo Andriani and Bill McKelvey PART TWO: APPLICATIONS Complexity and Organizing Complexity and Organization-Environment Relations: Revisiting Ashby's Law of Requisite Variety - Max Boisot and Bill McKelvey The Complexity of Industrial Ecosystems: Classification and Computational Modelling - James Baldwin Complexity and the Dynamics of Organizational Change - Glenda H. Eoyang Complex Thought, Simple Talk: An Ecological Approach to Language-Based Change in Organizations - John Shotter and Haridimos Tsoukas Organizational Learning and Complexity Science: Exploring the Joint Potential - Eve Mitleton-Kelly and Ben Ramalingam Complexity and Management: A Pluralistic View - Kurt A. Richardson Complexity and Managing Implications of Complexity Science for the Study of Leadership - Russ Marion and Mary Uhl-Bien A Complexity Perspective on Strategic Human Resource Management - Barry A. Colbert and Elizabeth C. Kurucz Complexity and the Rise of Distributed Control in Operations Management - Arash Azadegan and Kevin J. Dooley Knowledge Management and Complexity - Max Boisot Complexity and Innovation - Pierpaolo Andriani Complexity Science Contributions to the Field of Entrepreneurship - Benyamin B. Lichtenstein Complexity and Competitive Advantage - Oliver Baumann and Nicolaj Siggelkow Complexity Theory and Corporate Strategy - Kathleen M. Eisenhardt and Henning Piezunka More than a Metaphor: Complexity and the New Rules of Management - James K. Hazy PART THREE: INTERFACES Non-Linear Dynamical Systems Applications to Psychology and Management - Stephen J. Guastello The Value in Between: Organizations as Adapting and Evolving Networks - Ce[ac]sar A. Hidalgo The Use of Complexity for Policy Exploration - Steven Bankes Complexity, Habits and Evolution - Geoffrey M. Hodgson Economics Management and Complex Systems - Paul Ormerod How Complexity Science Is Transforming Health Care - Brenda Zimmerman