VOLUME 1: HEALTH COMMUNICATION IN THE DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE Doctor-Patient Communication - Barbara M. Korsch and Vida Francis Negrete Information-Giving in Medical Consultations: The influence of patients' communicative styles and personal characteristics - Richard L. Street Jr The Influence of Human Communication on Health Care Outcomes - Gary L. Kreps, Dan O'Hair and Marsha Clowers The Field of Health Communication Today - Everett M. Rogers Bridging the Gap: The separate worlds of evidence-based medicine and patient-centered medicine - Jozien Bensing The Evolution and Advancement of Health Communication Inquiry - Gary L. Kreps Cancer Communications Research and Health Outcomes: Review and challenge. - Gary L. Kreps and Daria Chapelsky Massimilla The Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS): Utility and flexibility for analysis of medical interactions - Debra Roter and Susan Larson Interacting With Cancer Patients: The significance of physicians' communication behavior - Neeraj K. Arora Health Literacy: Essential for health communication - Ruth M. Parker and Julie A. Gazmararian The Impact of Communication on Cancer Risk, Incidence, Morbidity, Mortality, and Quality of life - Gary L.Kreps The Relation Between Health-Orientation, Provider-Patient Communication, and Satisfaction: An individual-difference approach - Mohan J. Dutta-Bergman Approaching Difficult Communication Tasks in Oncology - Anthony L. Back, Robert M. Arnold, Walter F. Baile, James A. Tulsky and Kelly Fryer-Edwards Factors Associated with Patients' Perceptions of Health Care Providers' Communication Behaviour - Lila J. Finney Rutten, Erik Augustson and Kay Wanke College Students' Sexual Health: Investigating the role of peer communication - Christine E. Rittenour and Melanie Booth-Butterfield A Patient-Centered Approach to Breaking Bad News: Communication guidelines for health care providers - Lisa Sparks, Melinda M. Villagran, Jessica Parker-Raley and Cory B. Cunningham The Effects of Communication Skills Training on Pediatricians' and Parents' Communication During "Sick Child" Visits - Nancy Grant Harrington, Gretchen R. Norling, Florence M. Witte, Judith Taylor and James E. Andrews The Interdisciplinary Study of Health Communication and its Relationship to Communication Science - Gary L. Kreps, Jim L. Query, Jr., and Ellen W. Bonaguro Health Care Partnership Model of Doctor-Patient Communication in Cancer Prevention and Care Among the Aged - Eva Kahana and Boaz Kahana Health Behaviors in Cancer Survivors - Deborah K. Mayer, Norma C. Terrin, Usha Menon, Gary L. Kreps, Kathy McCance, Susan K. Parsons and Kathleen H. Mooney Cancer Patients as Active Participants in Their Care - Edward Krupat and Julie T. Irish A Multiple Discourse Approach to Health Communication: Translational research and ethical practice - Roxanne Parrott The Central Role of Strategic Health Communication in Enhancing Breast Cancer Outcomes Across the Continuum of Care in Limited-Resource Countries - Gary L. Kreps and Rama Sivaram Ending the End of Life Communication Impasse: A dialogic intervention - John W. Lannamann, Linda M. Harris, Alexis D. Bakos and Kylene J. Baker Theoretical Contributions of Interpretive and Critical Research in Health Communication - Heather M. Zoller and Kimberly N. Kline VOLUME 2: HEALTH COMMUNICATION AND HEALTH PROMOTION Social Marketing and Public Health Intervention - R. Craig Lefebvre and June A. Flora The Role of Media Across Four Levels of Health Promotion Intervention - June A. Flora, Edward W. Maibach and Nathan Maccoby Fear Control and Danger Control: A test of the extended parallel process model - Kim Witte Attention, Need for Sensation, and Health Communication Campaigns - Lewis Donohew, Philip Palmgreen and Elizabeth Pugzles Lorch The Manipulative Nature of Health Communication Research: Ethical issues and guidelines - Kim Witte Translating Health Psychology into Effective Health Communication: The American healthstyles audience segmentation project - Edward W. Maibach, Andrew Maxfield, Kelly Ladin and Michael Slater Theory and Method in Health Audience Segmentation - Michael D. Slater Applications of a Theoretic Model of Information Exposure to Health Interventions - Lewis Donohew, Elizabeth Pugzles Lorch and Philip Palmgreen One Size Does Not Fit All: The case for tailoring print materials - Matthew W. Kreuter, Victor J. Strecher and Bernard Glassman Avoiding the Boomerang: Testing the relative effectiveness of antidrug public service announcements before a national campaign - Martin Fishbein, Kathleen Hall-Jamieson, Eric Zimmer, Ina von Haeften and Robin Nabi Achieving Cultural Appropriateness in Health Promotion Programs: Targeted and tailored approaches - Matthew W. Kreuter, Susan N. Lukwago, Dawn C. Bucholtz, Eddie M. Clark and Vetta Sanders-Thompson Lessons Learned from Public Health Mass Media Campaigns: Marketing health in a crowded media world - Whitney Randolph and K. Viswanath Theory and Practice in Health Communications Campaigns: A critical interrogation - Mohan J. Dutta-Bergman Specification and Misspecification of Theoretical Foundations and Logic Models for Health Communication Campaigns - Michael D. Slater A Social Judgment Theory Approach to Conducting Formative Research in a Social Norms Campaign - Sandi W. Smith, Charles K. Atkin, Dennis Martell, Rebecca Allen and Larry Hembroff A 10-Year Retrospective of Research in Health Mass Media Campaigns: Where do we go from here? - Seth M. Noar Racial/Ethnic Disparities and Segmentation in Communication Campaigns - Robert C. Hornik and A. Susana Ramirez Unintended Effects of Health Communication Campaigns - Hyunyi Cho and Charles T. Salmon The Roles of Interpersonal Communication in Mass Media Campaigns - Brian G. Southwell and Marco C. Yzer Do Loss-Framed Persuasive Messages Engender Greater Message Processing Than Do Grain-Framed Messages?: A meta-analytic review - Daniel J. O'Keefe and Jakob D. Jensen VOLUME 3: HEALTH RISK COMMUNICATION The Framing of Decisions and The Psychology of Choice - Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman Treating the Public With Risk Communication: A public health perspective - Baruch Fischhoff Why Rules for Risk Communication Are Not Enough: A problem-solving approach to risk communication - Katherine E. Rowan Risk Perception and Communication Unplugged: Twenty years of process - Baruch Fischhoff Communication Channels and Risk Information: A cost utility model - Craig W. Trumbo Corporate Environmental Risk Communication: Cases and practices along the Texas Gulf Coast - Robert L. Heath Communication, Organization and Crisis - Matthew W. Seeger, Timothy L. Sellnow and Robert R. Ulmer Risk Communication in Genetic Testing for Cancer Susceptibility - Robert T. Croyle and Caryn Lerman The Visual Communication of Risk - Isaac M. Lipkus and J. G. Hollands Heuristic-Systematic Information Processing and Risk Judgment - Craig W. Trumbo Informing Women About Their Breast Cancer Risks: Truth and consequences - Isaac Lipkus, Monica Biradavolu, Kathryn Fenn, Punam Keller and Barbara K. Rimer The Informatics Response in Disaster, Terrorism and War - Jonathan M. Teich, Michael M. Wagner, Colin F. Mackenzie and Klaus O. Schafer The Function of Credibility in Information Processing for Risk Perception - Craig W. Trumbo and Katherine A. McComas The "CAUSE" Model: A research-supported guide for physicians communicating cancer risk - Katherine E. Rowan, Lisa Sparks, Loretta Pecchioni and Melinda M. Villagran Leave No One Behind: Improving health and risk communication through attention to literacy - Rima E. Rudd, John P. Comings and James N. Hyde Best Practices in Public Health Risk and Crisis Communication - Vincent T. Covello Communication Lessons Learned in the Emergency Operations Center During CDC's Anthrax Response: A commentary - Marsha L. Vanderford Gene Cuisine or Frankenfood? The Theory of Reasoned Action as an Audience Segmentation Strategy for Messages about Genetically Modified Foods - Kami J. Silk, Judith Weiner and Roxanne L.Parrott Formats for Improving Risk Communication in Medical Tradeoff Decisions - Erika A. Waters, Neil D. Weinstein, Graham A. Colditz and Karen Emmons Social Sides of Health Risks: Stigma and collective efficacy - Rachel A. Smith, Merissa Ferrara and Kim Witte Action Not Talk: A simulation of risk communication during the first hours of a pandemic - Vicki S. Freimuth, Karen M. Hilyard, J. Kevin Barge and Lynn A. Sokler Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication in a Pandemic: A model for building capacity and resilience of minority communities - Sandra Crouse Quinn Effective Communication During an Influenza Pandemic: The value of using a crisis and emergency risk communication framework - Barbara Reynolds and Sandra Crouse Quinn Evaluating Emergency Risk Communications: A dialogue with the experts - Craig W. Thomas, Marsha L. Vanderford and Sandra Crouse Quinn VOLUME 4: HEALTH COMMUNICATION AND NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (EHEALTH) New Technologues in Health Communication: Progress or panacea? - Michael A. Chamberlain Health Communication on the Internet: An effective channel for health behavior change? - Michael M. Cassell, Christine Jackson and Brian Cheuvront Consumers and Evaluation of Interactive Health Communication Applications - David H. Gustafson, Thomas N. Robinson, David Ansley, Linda Adler and Patricia Flatley Brennan Computer-Mediated Support Groups: An examination of relationships among social support, perceived stress, and coping strategies - Kevin B. Wright Recent Advances: Consumer health informatics - Gunther Eysenbach Reducing the Frequency of Errors in Medicine Using Information Technology - David W. Bates, Michael Cohen, Lucian L. Leape, J. Marc Overhage, M. Michael Shabot and Thomas Sheridan The Promise and Challenge of eHealth Interventions - Nancy L.Atkinson and Robert S. Gold How do Consumers Search for and Appraise Health Information on the World Wide Web ? Qualitative Study Using Focus Groups, Usability Tests, and In-Depth Interviews - G. Eysenbach and C. Kohnler Rethinking Communication in the E-Health Era - L. Neuhauser and G.L. Kreps Tailored Messages for Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening of Low-Income and Minority Women Using Medical Records Data - M.L. Jibaja-Weiss, R. Volk, P. Kingery, Q.W. Smith and J.D. Holcomb Assessing Communication Competence in an Online Study: Toward informing subsequent interventions among older adults with cancer, their lay caregivers, and peers - J.L. Query Jr and K.B. Wright Health-Related Support Groups on the Internet: Linking empirical findings to social support and computer-mediated communication theory - K.B. Wright and S.B. Bell The First Generation of e-Patients - T. Ferguson and G. Frydman Health Related Virtual Communities and Electronic Support Groups: Systematic review of the effects of online peer to peer interactions - G. Eysenbach, J. Powell, M. Englesakis, C. Rizo and A. Stern How New Subscribers Use Cancer-Related Online Mailing Lists - B.K. Rimer, E.J. Lyons, K.M. Ribisl, J.M. Bowling, C.E. Golin, M.J. Forlenza and A. Meier Emerging Technologies for Cancer Prevention and Other Population Health Challenges - T.R. Eng Creating a Framework for Online Cancer Services Research to Facilitate Timely and Interdisciplinary Applications - P. Whitten, G.L. Kreps and M.S. Eastin Reducing the Cancer Burden of Lifestyle Factors: Opportunities and challenges of the Internet - A.L. Graham and D.B. Abrams What Is eHealth (6): Perspectives on the evolution of ehealth research - D.K. Ahern, J.M. Kreslake and J.M. Phalen Telemedicine: Its effects on health communication - J. Matusitz and G.M. Breen Use of the Internet to Communication with Health Care Providers in the United States: Estimates from the 2003 and 2005 Health Information National Trends Surveys - E.B. Beckjord, L.J. Finney Rutten, L. Squiers, N.K. Arora, L. Volckmann, R.P. Moser and B.W. Hesse Health Communication Technology and Quality of Cancer Care - L.M. Harris, G.L. Kreps and C. Dresser Can E-Mail Messages Between Patients and Physicians Be Patient-Centered? - D.L. Roter, S. Larson, D.Z. Sands, D.E. Ford and T. Houston Online Participation: A content analysis of differences in utilization of two online cancer communities by men and women, patients and family members - T. Ginossar A Review of Web-Assisted Tobacco Interventions (WATIs) - B.C. Bock, A.L. Graham, J.A. Whiteley and J.L Stoddard The Role of Message Tailoring in the Development of Persuasive Health Communication Messages - S.M. Noar, N.G. Harrington and R.S. Aldrich VOLUME 5: HEALTH COMMUNICATION AND THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Information Giving in Medical Care - H. Waitzkin Communication Practices in the Social Construction of Health in an AIDS Residence - L.R. Frey, M.B. Adelman and J.L. Query, Jr. Tailoring Communication for Primary Care Settings - B.K. Rimer and B. Glassman Helping Patients Access High Quality Health Information - S. Shepperd, D. Charnock and B. Gann Entertainment-Education and Social Change: An analysis of parasocial interaction, social learning, collective efficacy and paradoxical communication - M.J. Papa, A. Singhal, S. Law, S. Pant, S. Sood, E.M. Rogers and C.L. Shefner-Rogers Participatory Design for Better Interactive Health Communication: A statewide model in the USA - L. Neuhauser A Theoretical Agenda for Entertainment-Education - A. Singhal and E.M. Rogers A Strategy to Reduce Cross-Cultural Miscommunication and Increase the Likelihood of Improving Health Outcomes - M. Kagawa-Singer and S. Kassim-Lakha Bridging the Digital Divide: Reaching vulnerable populations - B.L. Chang, S. Bakken, S.S. Brown, T.K. Houston, G.L. Kreps, R. Kukafka, C. Safran and P.Z. Stavri The Internet as a Vehicle to Communicate Health Information during a Public Health Emergency: A Survey Analysis Involving the Anthrax Scare of 2001 - A.F. Kittler, J. Hobbs, L.A. Volk, G.L. Kreps and D.W. Bates The Contributions of Health Communication to Eliminating Health Disparities - V.S. Freimuth and S.C. Quinn An Ecological Framework for Cancer Communication: Implications for research - K. Patrick, S.S. Intille and M.F. Zabinski Family Communication and Genetic Health: A research note - J.L. Weiner, K.J. Silk and R.L. Parrott On Addressing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: The potential role of patient communication skills interventions - D.J. Cegala and D.M. Post Communication and Racial Inequities in Health Care - G.L. Kreps Tailored Interventions in Public Health: Where does tailoring fit in interventions to reduce health disparities? - M.K. Campbell and L. M. Quintiliani The Relationship of Media Attention to Colorectal Cancer-Related Risk Appraisals in Older Japanese Americans: Using Structural Equation Modeling to Develop an Explanatory Model - K. Honda and G.L. Kreps The NCI Digital Divide Pilot Projects: Implications for cancer education - G.L. Kreps, D. Gustafson, P. Salovey, R.S. Perocchia, W. Wilbright, M.A. Bright and C. Muha Communication and Marketing as Tools to Cultivate the Public's Health: A proposed 'people and places' framework - E.W. Maibach, L.C. Abroms and M. Marosits