Julian Barling is Associate Dean and Professor at the Queen's School of Business. He is responsible for rhe Ph.D,M.Sc and Research programs in the School of Business. Dr. Barling is author of of several books, including Employment, Stress and Family Functioning (1990,Wiley & Sons), The Union and Its Members: A Psychological Approach (with Clive Fullagar and Kevin Kelloway, 1992, Oxford University Press), and Changing Employment Relations: Behavioral and Social Perspectives (with Lois Tetrick, 1995, American Psychological Association), andYouth and Employment (with Kevin Kelloway, forthcoming, American Psychological Association). Dr. Barling served as co-editor (with Kevin Kelloway) of the Sage Publication series ,Advanced Topics in Organizational Behavior, is consulting editor of the Journal of Organizational Behavior, and on the editorial boards of the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Stress Medicine and the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. From 1989-1991, he was the chairperson of the Advisory Council on Occupational Health and Safety to the Ontario Minister of Labour. In 1995 and 1997, he received the annual awards for "Excellence in Research" from the School of Business, Queen's University. Professor Sir Cary Cooper, CBE, is The 50th Anniversary Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK. He is also the President of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, President of the British Academy of Management and President of RELATE (the national relationship charity). He is the author/editor of over 150 books, over 400 scholarly articles and a regular contributor to radio and TV. He was knighted by the Queen in 2014 for his contribution to the social sciences. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management (14 volumes), Editor of Who's Who in Management, Editor of the Wiley-Blackwell WELLBEING volumes (six), Founding Editor of the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Founding and Former Chair of the government think tank The Sunningdale Institute and lead scientist on the Government Office for Science Foresight project on Mental Capital and Wellbeing. In 2015 he was voted by HR Magazine as the Most Influential HR Thinker, has been made an Honorary Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Royal College of Physicians, The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (Occupational Medicine) and many more; and has Honorary Doctorates from a number of universities (eg Sheffield, Bath, Aston, Heriot Watt, Middlesex, Wolverhampton). Stewart Clegg is a prolific publisher of several hundred articles in leading academic journals in strategy, social science, management and organization theory; is also the author and editor of about fifty books, as well as a Fellow of the British Academy of Social Sciences, a Distinguished Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, and the recipient of significant awards from the American Academy of Management for his contributions to management theory and practice. Cary L. Cooper is Distinguished Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at Lancaster University Management School.
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VOLUME ONE Introduction: Why a Handbook of Macro Organizational Behavior? - Stewart Clegg Part One: Framing the field: introducing some big questions What do OB Tools and Instruments do? - Andre Spicer What does Knowledge Work do? - Tim Ray Freedom and Constraint under the 'Neo-Liberal' Regime of Choice - Alan Scott and Richard Weiskopf. Managerialism and its discontents - Martin Parker Positive Organization Scholarship: What does it achieve? - Arran Caza and Kim Cameron Part Two: Macro Organizational Behavior and Immanent Processes Learning in Practice - Elena P. Antonacopoulou Shaping Organizational Commitment - Robert Roe, Omar Solinger and Woody van Olffen Organizational Power - Raymond Gordon On the (be)coming and going of organizational change: prospect and retrospect in sensemaking - Ian Colville Organizational Identity - Andrew Brown Organizational Conflict - Stephen Ackroyd Organizational Careers - Kerr Inkson and Yehuda Baruch Top Management Teams and Team Working - Sarah MacCurtain and Michael West Succession Management: Building talent across organizational generations - Jay A. Conger Leadership - David Collinson Part Three: Macro Organizational Behaviour and Key Practices The Labor Process, Surveillance, and the Person in the Sight of the Organization - Graham Sewell Implementing Employment Equity in Gendered Organizations for Gendered Lives - Judith Pringle, Alison M. Konrad, and Anne-Marie Greene Managing Multiculturally in Organizations in a Diverse Society - Gill Kirton The Organization of Human Resource Strategies: Narratives and Power in Understanding Labour Management in a context of fragmentation. - Miguel Martinez Lucio Organizational Moral Responsibility - Carl Rhodes and Alison Pullen Organizations and Society: Sustainability Deconstructed - Suzanne Benn Managing Organizational Expressions - Majken Schultz and Mary Jo Hatch Management fashion and organizational behaviour - Rene ten Bos and Stefan Heusinkveld Part Four: Organizing on a macro-scale Organizational Change Management - David Wilson We have always been Oligarchs: Business Elite in Polyarchy - David Courpasson Organizational Design - Gerard Fairtlough and Rosemary Beckham Projects for life: Building narrative capital for positive organizational change - Arne Carlson and Tyrone Pitsis Corporate Governance - Rob Watson VOLUME 2 Introduction - Cary L Cooper & Julian Barling PART ONE: INDIVIDUAL ATTACHMENT TO, AND DISENGAGEMENTS FROM, WORK Psychological Contracts - Jacqueline A-M. Coyle-Shapiro and Marjo-Riita Parzefall Commitment in the Workplace: Past, Present and Future - John P. Meyer, Timothy A. Jackson and Elyse R. Maltin Taking Stock: A Review of more than Twenty Years of Research on Empowerment at Work - Gretchen Spreitzer Two Decades of Organizational Justice: Findings, Controversies and Future Directions - Jason A. Colquitt Trust in Management: An Interpersonal Perspective - M. Audrey Korsgaard Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Review and Extension of its Nomological Network - Mattias Spitzmuller, Linn Van Dyne and Remus Ilies Teams at Work - Helem M. Williams and Natalie J. Allen Dysfunctional Workplace Behavior - Sandra L. Robinson Absenteeism and Presenteeism: Not at Work or Not Working Well - Gary Johns Job Insecurity - Tahira M. Probst Voluntary Employee Turnover: Determinants, Processes and Future Directions - Wendy R. Boswell, Lily Run Ren and Andrew T. Hinrichs Unemployment and Retirement - Terry A. Beehr and Misty M. Bennett PART TWO: PRACTICES, PROCESSES AND PERFORMANCE Emotions at Work: A Review and Research Agenda - Alicia A. Grandey Conflict in Workgroups - Karen A. Jehn and Sonja Rispens A Boundaryless Perpective on Careers - Jeffrey H. Greenhaus A Century of Compensation Research - Matt Bloom Employee Motivation - Gary P. Latham and Edwin A. Locke Leadership - Timothy A Judge, Erin Fluegge Woolf, Charlice Hurst and Beth Livingston A Multi-level Conceptualization of Organizational Politics - Sean Lux, Gerald R. Ferris, Robyn L. Brouer, Mary Dana Laird and James Summers Knowledge Work - Susan E. Jackson and Ying Hong High Performance Work Systems - Roderick D. Iverson, Christopher D. Zatack and Melissa McCrae Work Design: Still Getting Stronger - Heather C. Vough and Sharon K. Parker Job Performance - Sobine Sonnetag, Judith Volmer and Anne Spychala PART THREE: WORK, STRESS AND WELL-BEING Work-family Conflict - Joseph G. Grzywacz and Adam B. Butler Sexual Harassment in Organizations: A Decade of Research in Review - Lilia M. Cortina and Jennifer L. Beardahl Work Stress - Steve M. Jex and Maya Yankelevich Employee Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use: Scope, Causes and Organizational Consequences - Michael R. Frone Psychology of Workplace Safety: A Thematic Review and some Possibilities - Anthony E. Carroll and Nick Turner PART FOUR: INDIVIDUALS, ORGANIZATIONS AND SOCIETY Cross-cultural Research in Organizational Behavior - Heidi K. Gardner and P. Christopher Earley Mergers and Acquisitions: Why 2 + 2 does not Always Make 3 - Susan Cartwright Organizational Change - Alannah E. Rafferty and Mark A. Griffin Nonstandard Work Arrangements: Meaning, Evidence and Theoretical Perspectives - Daniel G. Gallagher and Catherine E. Connelly Labor Organizations - Anthony Yue, E. Kevin Kelloway and Lori Francis Discrimination - Stelle M. Nkomo PART FIVE: FUTURE DIRECTIONS Work and Well-being - Jennifer Carson and Julian Barling Chapter 36: Positive Organizational Scholarship - Jane E. Dutton and Mary Ann Glynn
"Thorough and comprehensive. Thoughtful critique and new insights." Chris Argyris and James B. Conant Professor , Emeritus Harvard University 'The Sage Handbook of Organizational Behavior is a fine addition to past works of reference in the field, edited by two prominent scholars who are internationally known. Its approach is both critical and original in many incisive ways, aspiring to a cutting-edge coverage of the core and periphery of OB. Many of the chapter authors stick their necks out and avoid the more obvious, conventional expositions of their topic. It covers a wide range of topics of potential use to both undergraduate and postgraduate students of the subject, as well as academics, researchers and practitioners. It will be of particular interest to those on MBA and DBA courses. It can be strongly recommended as an essential faculty library purchase, as well as a useful tool for individuals interested in having such a guide to the subject at hand'. Professor Malcolm Warner, Emeritus Fellow, Wolfson College and Judge Business School, University of Cambridge.