Urban Politics


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Edited by Jonathan S Davies, David Imbroscio
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VOLUME 1: TRADITIONS AND TRANSITIONS The Polis - Humphrey Kitto The Early Polis as City and State - Ian Morris Extract from Politics - Aristotle Democratic Politics in Republican Rome - John North Extracts from The City of God against the Pagans - Augustine Subsidiarity, Federalism and the Best Constitution: Thomas Aquinas on city, province and empire - Nicholas Aroney The Emergence of an Urban Ideology at Florence, c. 1250-1450 - George Holmes The Great Towns - Frederick Engels The Paris Commune - Karl Marx The Arcades Project - Walter Benjamin Extracts from Plunkitt of Tammany Hall - William Riordan Latent Functions of the Machine - Robert Merton The Politics of Reform in Municipal Government in the Progressive Era - Samuel Hays Urban Renewal and Social Conflict - Manuel Castells From the City to Urban Society - Henri Lefebvre Introduction to Un-Heavenly City: The nature and future of our urban crisis - Edward Banfield The Uses of Sidewalks: Safety - Jane Jacobs VOLUME 2: POWER AND POLITICAL ECONOMY Extracts from Who Governs - Robert Dahl The Local Community as Ecology of Games - Norton Long The Structure of Power in Regional City - Floyd Hunter Two Faces of Power - Peter Bachrach and Morten Baratz The City as a Growth Machine - Harvey Molotch Re-defining Urban Politics for the 21st Century - Allan Cochrane From Managerialism to Entrepreneurialism: The transformation in urban governance in late capitalism - David Harvey City Trenches: Urban politics and the patterning of class in the United States - Ira Katznelson Systemic Power in Community Decision Making: Restatement of stratification theory - Clarence Stone The Interests of the Limited City - Paul Peterson The Urban Basis of Political Alignment: Social class, domestic property ownership, and state intervention in consumption processes - Patrick Dunleavy Semi-Sovereign Cities: The politics of urban development - Todd Swanstrom The World City Hypothesis - John Friedmann Cities in Today's Global Age - Saskia Sassen Neoliberal Urbanism: Models, moments, mutations - Jamie Peck, Nik Theodore and Neil Brenner Six Discourses on the Postmetropolis - Edward W. Soja VOLUME 3: INSTITUTIONS AND GOVERNANCE City, State and Market - Stephen Elkin Toward a Theory of Urban Development - H. V. Savitch and Paul Kantor Urban Regimes and the Capacity to Govern - Clarence Stone Urban Regimes and Growth Machines: Towards a cross-national research agenda - Alan Harding Governance as Theory: Five propositions - Gerry Stoker Rescuing Aunt Sally: Taking institutional theory seriously in urban politics - Vivien Lowndes Toward a Theory of Street-Level Bureaucracy - Michael Lipsky The Urban Bureaucracy Anne - Mette Kjaer Local Governance, the Crises of Fordism and the Changing Geographies of Regulation - Mark Goodwin and Joe Painter Understanding Recent Trends in Central-Local Relations: Centralisation in Great Britain and decentralisation in the United States - Harold Wolman Understanding Urban Governance: The contribution of rational choice - Keith Dowding et al Life-style Values and Political Decentralization in Metropolitan Areas - Olivier Williams Regionalisms: New and old - Peter Dreier, John Mollenkopf and Todd Swanstrom Metropolitan Institutional Reform and the Rescaling of State Space in Contemporary Western Europe - Neil Brenner Deepening Democracy - Archon Fung and Erik Olin Wright The Democratic Anchorage of Governance Networks - Eva Sorensen and Jacob Torfing The Limits of Partnership: An exit-action strategy for local democratic inclusion - Jonathan Davies VOLUME 4: PUBLICS AND POLICIES The Rise of the Creative Class - Richard Florida Planet of Slums - Mike Davis Class and Protest in Africa: New waves - David Seddon and Leo Zeilig The Black Urban Regime: Structural origins and constraints - A. Reed Jr. Universalism and Deconcentration: Why race still matters in poverty and economic development - J. Phillip Thompson, III The Prospects for Political Equality: Is protest enough? - R.P. Browning, D.R. Marshall and D.H. Tabb Gender and Sexuality - Judith Garber Neither Romance nor Regulation: Re-evaluating community - James DeFillipis, Robert Fisher and Eric Shragge Urban Social Movements in an Era of Globalization - Margit Mayer Pivatism and the Limits of Local Economic Development Policy - Timothy Barnekov and Daniel Rich The Politics of Local Economic Development - Harold Wolman with David Spitzley Concentrated Poverty and Metropolitan Equity Strategies - Scott Bollens Excavating the Logic of British Urban Policy: Neoliberalism as the "crisis of crisis management - Martin Jones and Kevin Ward Local Policy Responses to Globalization: Place-based ownership models of economic enterprise - David Imbroscio, Thad Williamson and Gar Alperowitz Sustainability and Infrastructure Planning in South Africa: A Cape Town case study - Mark Swilling Reinventing Urban Citizenship - Rainer Bauboeck City Life and Difference - Marion Young

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