Preface. 1. What is Real? 2. Felt Sense Awareness. 3. Dynamic Stillness. 4. Peace and Autonomic Order. 5. The Amazing ConnectiveTissue System. 6. Diaphragmatic Wholeness. 7. Breath and Life. 8. Inner Volume and Depth. 9. Fluid Body and Bliss. 10. Being Centred. 11.Embryonic Mind. 12. Internal and External Circulation. 13. Inner Cell. 14. Hormonal Space. 15. Brain Balancing. 16. Life Continuum. 17.Integration.Singing
This book by Ged Sumner, a craniosacral therapist and instructor, introduces the body intelligence meditation practice to create a deeply felt connection with the physical body. The book includes meditation exercises to help the reader find body awareness and create a calmness within. Intended as a resource for any bodywork or energy practitioner.