1. Heart. 2. Small Intestine. 3. Bladder. 4. Kidney. 5. Pericardium. 6. Triple Burner. 7. Gall Bladder. 8. Liver. 9. Lung. 10. Large Intestine. 11. Stomach. 12. Spleen. 13. Ren Mai. 14. Du Mai.
The book itself is very simple. The author consciously chose to describe only some of the points. Moreover, she decided to limit the information to one important sentence about each point. These decisions result in clarity and simplicity, and definitely help in focusing on the presented knowledge...The author encourages the readers to add their own pictures of missing points when they think these points are important. Doing this the reader is not just a passive receiver of the knowledge anymore, but becomes an active co-creator of the book