1. The Clinical Applications of Essential Oils (with charts). 2. Using Essential Oils for their Physiological Functions (with charts). 3. Using Essential Oils for their Psychological Functions (with charts). 4. Using Essential Oils in Energetic and Chinese Medicine (with charts). 5. Materia Aromatica, Part 2.
Another Peter Holmes integrative masterpiece now graces the bookshelves of our collective holistic medicine library. With the arrival of Aromatica Volume 2 Peter has brought to completion an offering that will inform, inspire and deepen the clinical bearing of practitioners working with essential oils for years to come. His profiles of these aromatic plants include physiological and psychological functions, biochemistry, research, Chinese medicine applications and a treasury of remarks that locate each oil's place in the geography, culture, history and healing traditions of the world's civilizations. In these pages the reader enjoys access to an abundance of immanently useful botanical wisdom that opens up a powerful range of clinical options for working with our global assembly of healing aromatic plants.