Foreword; Preface; Chapter 1:Introduction; Chapter 2: Sydney Cook at Camden: geared to producing ideas, withthe emphasis on youth; Chapter 3: Developing a new format for urban housing:Neave Brown and Fleet Road; Chapter 4: Creating a piece of city: Neave Brown atAlexandra Road; Chapter 5: A city on a hill: Peter Tábori at Highgate New Town;Chapter 6: Class war in Hampstead: the battle of Branch Hill; Chapter 7: Thepoetics of housing: Benson and Forsyth at Branch Hill; Chapter 8: Gospel Oak:from Powell & Moya to Benson and Forsyth; Chapter 9: Only connect: Bensonand Forsyth at Maiden Lane; Chapter 10: Urban dentistry: Edward Cullinan andColquhoun & Miller; Chapter 11: Politics versus architecture: the AlexandraRoad public enquiry of 1978-81; Chapter 12: Conclusion: Cook's Camden today;Appendix 1: 'Sydney Cook as I knew him': recollections by Neave Brown, FrankDobson, John Green, Martin Morton and Peter Tábori; Appendix 2: Neave Brown,'The form of housing' (1967); Appendix 3: Cook's Camden A-Z; Cook's Camden Map;Abbreviations; Notes; Index