Jan Kattein, DipArch, MArch, PhD, FIPM is an author, lecturer and practitioner who lives in London. After studying architecture at UCL, he worked in housing and theatre design. In 2004 he finally established his own studio. He is lecturer in Architecture and Engagement at UCL, a fellow of the Institute of Place Management and a registered architect. Today, Jan Kattein Architects is recognized internationally as a leading placemaking and participatory design practice with award-winning projects celebrated for their spatial- and civic accomplishments.
Introduction. Chapter 1 - Ecology + Leadership: Skip Garden with Jane Riddiford; Sitopia Farm with Chloe Dunnett. Chapter 2 - Enterprise + Learning: Thornhill Library with Kate Slotover + Emily Bohill; Tailoring Academy with Jenny Holloway; Church Grove with Anurag Verma + Jon Broome. Chapter 3 - Building + Making: Blue House Yard with Alice Hardy; The Men's Shed with Rasha El-Sady. Chapter 4 - Temporality + Activation: African Street Style with Jeffrey Lennon; Food Bus with Kemi Akinola. Creativity, Authorship and Governance.