VOLUME ONE: ORGANIZING GOVERNMENT Inter-Organizational Relations The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional isomorphism and collective Rationality in organizational fields - Paul J. DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell Studying Governance and Public Management: Challenges and prospects - Laurence E. Lynn Jr., Carolyn J. Heinrich and Carolyn J. Hill The Creation and Evolution of Quasi Markets in the Public Sector: A problem for strategic management - Ewan Ferlie Bureaucratic Theory Meets Reality: Public choice and service contracting in U.S. local government - George A. Boyne Privatization and Its Reverse: Explaining the dynamics of the government contracting process - Amir Hefetz and Mildred Warner 'What Counts Is What Works'? Constructing Evaluations of Market Mechanisms - Janet Newman The New Governance: Governing without government - R.A.W. Rhodes Governance without Government? Rethinking public administration - Guy Peters and John Pierre A Preliminary Theory of Interorganizational Network Effectiveness: A comparative study of four community mental health systems - Keith G. Provan and H. Brinton Milward Using Collaboration as a Governance Strategy: Lessons from six watershed management programs - Mark T. Imperial The new Governance: Practices and processes for stakeholder and citizen participation in the work of government - Lisa Blomgren Bingham, Tina Nabatchi and Rosemary O'Leary The Dynamics of Multi-Organizational Partnerships: An analysis of changing modes of governance - Vivien Lowndes and Chris Skelcher The Old Ways Are the Best? The Durability and Usefulness of Bureaucracy in Public Sector Management - Jill Schofield VOLUME TWO: ORGANIZING GOVERNMENT Regulation of Professionals The Study of Administration - Woodrow Wilson A Theory of Political Control and Agency Discretion - Randall L. Calvert, Mathew D. McCubbins and Barry R. Weingast The Dynamics of Political-Bureaucratic Adaptation - B. Dan Wood and Richard W. Waterman Expertise in Accountability: Institutions and Techniques - Patricia Day and Rudolf Klein New Modes of Control in the Public Service - Paul Hoggett Control, Bargains, and Cheating: The Politics of Public-Service Reform - Christopher Hood Auditing and the Reinvention of Governance - Michael Power Public Services and the Theory of Regulation - Michael Barrow An Inspector Calls? Regulation and Accountability in Three Public Services - Gordon Hughes, Robert Mears and Christopher Winch The Web of Managerial Accountability: The impact of reinventing government - Stephen Page Regulatory Problems in the Public Sector: Theories and Cases - Rachel Ashworth, George A. Boyne and Richard M. Walker Performance Management Evolution of Performance Measurement until 1930 - Daniel W. Williams The Theory of Government Failure - Julian Le Grand On the Concept of Organizational Goal - Herbert A. Simon Organizational Performance and Multiple Constituencies - Herman L. Boschken Quality and Public Services - Kieron Walsh Citizen Satisfaction and Administrative Performance Measures: Is There Really a Link? - Janet M. Kelly Sources of Public Service Improvement: A Critical Review and Research Agenda - George A. Boyne Modeling the Impact of Public Management: Implications of Structural Context - Laurence J. O'Toole Jr. and Kenneth J. Meier Galloping Elephants: Developing Elements of a Theory of Effective Government Organizations - Hal G. Rainey and Paula Steinbauer Justification by Works or by Faith? Evaluating the New Public Management - Christopher Pollitt Outcome-Related Performance Indicators and Organizational Control in the Public Sector - Peter Smith VOLUME THREE: ORGANIZING GOVERNMENT Strategy Public and Private Management: Are they fundamentally alike in all unimportant respects? - Graham T. Allison Strategic Management in Public and Private Organizations: Implications of distinctive contexts and constraints - Peter Smith Ring and James L. Perry Comparing Public and Private Organizations: Empirical research and the power of the a priori - Hal G. Rainey and Barry Bozeman The Science of "Muddling Through" - Charles E. Lindblom If Planning Is Everything Maybe It's Nothing - Aaron Wildavsky Innovation in Public Management: The Adoption of Strategic Planning - Frances Stokes Berry Policy Making and Administration in State Agencies: Strategic management approaches - Barton Wechsler and Robert W. Backoff Managerial Strategies in Local Government - Royston Greenwood Strategy Content and Organizational Performance: An Empirical Analysis - Rhys Andrews, George A. Boyne and Richard M. Walker The Fiscal Distress of Local Governments in Israel: Sources and Coping Strategies - Abraham Carmeli Leadership Upper Echelons: The Organization as a Reflection of Its Top Managers - Donald C. Hambrick and Phyllis A. Mason The Romance of Leadership - James R. Meindl, Sanford B. Ehrlich and Janet M. Dukerich Administrative Reform: Changing leadership roles? - Tom Christensen Administrative Leadership, Neo-Managerialism, and the Public Management Movement - Larry D. Terry Average Tenure of Academic Department Heads: The effects of paradigm, size, and departmental demography - Jeffrey Pfeffer and William L. Moore Explaining the Tenure of Local Government Managers - Richard C. Feiock and Christopher Stream Integrative Leadership in the Public Sector: A model of performance-information use - Donald P. Moynihan and Patricia Wallace Ingraham An Evaluation of Leadership as a Response to Agency Failure in the Public Sector - Joe Wallis and Brian Dollery The Role of Democratic Values in Transformational Leadership - Janet V. Denhardt and Kelly B. Campbell Developing and Testing an Integrative Framework of Public Sector Leadership: Evidence from the public education arena - Sergio Fernandez VOLUME FOUR: ORGANIZING GOVERNMENT Managing Change Change in the Management of Public Services - John Stewart and Kieron Walsh Outcomes of Planned Organizational Change in the Public Sector: A meta-analytic comparison to the private sector - Peter J. Robertson and Sonal J. Seneviratne Strategies for Public Service Turnaround: Lessons from the Private Sector - George A. Boyne Redesigning Public Services: Challenges of practice for policy - Terry McNulty Public Sector Services and Their Management - Stephen Ackroyd, John A. Hughes and Keith Soothill Identifying, Enabling and Managing Dynamic Capabilities in the Public Sector - Amy L. Pablo, Trish Reay, James R. Dewald and Ann L. Casebeer Change Management - Strategy and Values in Six Agencies from the Australian Public Service - Jenny Stewart and Paul Kringas Microprocesses of Institutional Change in the Context of Privatization - Gerry Johnson, Stuart Smith and Brian Codling Managing Successful Organizational Change in the Public Sector - Sergio Fernandez and Hal G. Rainey Theorizing the Micro-Politics of Resistance: New Public Management and Managerial Identities in the UK Public Services - Robyn Thomas and Annette Davies Changing Public Service Organizations: Current Perspectives and Future Prospects - Ewan Ferlie, Jean Hartley and Steve Martin