Interpersonal Communication


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Edited by Mark L. Knapp, John A Daly
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Interpersonal communication is inexorable, irrevocable, complex and relative but ultimately necessary. Understanding this type of communication gives us a framework for successful and effective interaction with others in everyday situations. In this multivolume reference collection, subject specialists Mark L. Knapp and John A .Daly, explore the dimensions, dynamics and implications of interpersonal communication. Volume I covers the history and status of the field to various communicator characteristics that influence communication. This volume includes articles on personality and how personality, traits and states affect interpersonal behaviour. Volume II looks at the messages and processes of interpersonal communication. Articles covering various types of interpersonal messages - equivocal, defensive, incongruous to name a few - are followed by discussions on the various interpersonal process such as reciprocity, matching and interpersonal reflex. Volume III investigates the persuasive, relational and physiological outcomes of interpersonal communication. Finally, Volume IV focuses on the diverse contexts such as romantic relationships, work environments or doctor-patient interactions in which interpersonal communication takes place and the competences necessary to achieve successful communication.

Mark L. Knapp (Ph.D., Penn State University, 1966) is the Jesse H. Jones Centennial Professor Emeritus in Communication and Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin. Three of his books are: Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction (with J. A. Hall); Interpersonal Communication and Human Relationships (with A. L. Vangelisti); and Lying and Deception in Human Interaction. He is past president of the International Communication Association and the National Communication Association, a Fellow of the International Communication Association, and a Distinguished Scholar in the National Communication Association. He served as editor of Human Communication Research, and developed and edited the Sage Series in Interpersonal Communication.

VOLUME 1: INTRODUCTION, HISTORY & COMMUNICATOR CHARACTERISTICS Introduction Editors' Introduction - Mark L. Knapp and John A. Daly History Interpersonal Communication: Theoretical perspectives, future prospects - Charles C. Berger Personality Personality and Interpersonal Communication - John A. Daly Conversational Involvement and Loneliness - Robert A. Bell Validity of the PRCA as an Index of Oral Communication Apprehension - James C. McCroskey Affirming and Nonaffirming Style, Dyad Sex, and the Perception of Argumentation and Verbal Aggression in an Interpersonal Dispute - Dominic A. Infante, Andrew S. Rancer, and Felicia F. Jordan Developing and Testing Rational Models of Message Design - Barbara J. O'Keefe Communication Apprehension as Temperamental Expression: A communibiology paradigm - Michael J. Beatty, James C. McCroskey and Alan D. Heisel Big Five Personality Traits and Relationship Quality: Self-reported, observational, and physiological evidence - Ashley S. Holland and Glenn I. Roisman Attachment theory: A communication perspective - Laura K. Guerrero Cognition A Cognitive Approach to Human Communication: An action assembly theory - John O. Greene Conversational Memory: The effects of recall mode and memory expectancies on remembrances of natural conversations - Laura Stafford and John A. Daly Communication Failure and Plan Adaptation: If at first you don't succeed, say it louder and slower - Charles R. Berger and Patrick diBattista Attribution Theory and Research: Review and implications for communication - David R. Seibold and Brian H. Spitzberg The Negativity Effect and its Implications for Initial Interaction - Kathy Kellerman VOLUME 2: PROCESSES & MESSAGES Processes The Exchange of Nonverbal Intimacy: A critical review of dyadic models - Peter A. Andersen and Janis F. Andersen The Chameleon Effect as Social Glue: Evidence for the evolutionary significance of nonconscious mimicry - Jessica L. Lakin, Valerie E. Jefferis, Clara Michelle Cheng and Tanya L. Chartrand Speech Accommodation Theory: The first decade and beyond - Howard Giles, Anthony Mulac, James J. Bradac and Patricia Johnson Interpersonal Expectancy Effects: The first 345 studies - Robert Rosenthal and Donald B. Rubin Interaction Appearance Theory: Changing perceptions of physical attractiveness through social interaction - Kelly Fudge Albada, Mark L. Knapp and Katheryn Theune Accuracy in Interpersonal Perception: A social-relations analysis - David A. Kenny and Linda Albright Interpersonal Processes Involving Impression Regulation and Management - Barry Schlenker and Michael F. Weigold The Construct of Intent in Interpersonal Communication - Glen Stamp and Mark L. Knapp Dialectical Contradictions in Relationship Development - Leslie A. Baxter Messages Toward a Multidimensional Approach to the Study of Self-disclosure - Shirley J. Gilbert and Gale G. Whiteneck Nonverbal Behavior and Self-presentation - Bella M. DePaulo Emotions are Social - Brian Parkinson Communication Paradoxes and the Maintenance of Living Relationships with the Dying - Vernon D. Miller and Mark L. Knapp Truths, Lies, and Equivocations: The effects of conflicting goals on discourse - Janet B. Bavelas, Alex Black, Nicole Chovil and Jennifer Mullett Excuses: Their effective role in the negotiation of reality - C.R. Snyder and Raymond L. Higgins "Memorable" messages - Mark L. Knapp, Cynthia Stohl and Kathleen K. Reardon Computer-mediated Communication: Impersonal, interpersonal, and hyperpersonal interaction - Joseph B. Walther Compliments: A descriptive taxonomy - Mark L. Knapp, Robert Hopper and Robert A. Bell VOLUME 3: FORMING AND MAINTAINING RELATIONSHIPS Development and Maintenance of Relationships Perceptions of Communication Behavior Associated with Relationship Terms - Mark L. Knapp, Donald G. Ellis and Barbara A. Williams Turning Points in Developing Romantic Relationships - Leslie A. Baxter and Connie Bullis Maintenance Strategies and Romantic Relationship Type, Gender and Relational Characteristics - Laura Stafford and Daniel J. Canary Attraction and Initial Interaction The Measurement of Interpersonal Attraction - James C. McCroskey and Thomas A. McCain An Overview (and Underview) of Research and Theory within the Attraction Paradigm - Donn Byrne Some Explorations in Initial Interaction and Beyond: Toward a developmental theory of interpersonal communication - Charles R. Berger and Richard J. Calabrese Small Talk: Social functions - Justine Coupland The Affinity-seeking Function of Communication - Robert A. Bell and John A. Daly Commitment and Comfort The Normative Context of Advice as Social Support - Daena J. Goldsmith and Kristine L. Fitch The Production of Comforting Messages: Social-cognitive foundations - B.R. Burleson Recipient's Criteria for Evaluating the Skillfulness of Comforting Communication and the Outcomes of Comforting Interactions - Amy M. Bippus Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect: Responses to dissatisfaction in romantic involvements - Caryl E. Rusbult, Isabella M. Zembrodt and Lawanna K. Gunn Conflict Coding Verbal Conflict Tactics: Nonverbal and perceptual correlates of the "avoidance-distributative-integrative" distinction - Alan L. Sillars, Stephen F. Coletti, Doug Parry and Mark A. Rogers Facework Competence in Intercultural Conflict: An updated face-negotiation theory - Stella Ting-Toomey and Atsuko Kurogi The Creation of Defensiveness in Social Interaction - Glen H. Stamp, Anita L. Vangelisti and John A. Daly Marital Interaction: Physiological linkage and affective exchange - Robert W. Levenson and John M. Gottman When Words Hurt: The effects of perceived intentionality on interpersonal relationships - Anita L. Vangelisti and Stacy L. Young Family Secrets: Forms, functions, and correlates - Anita L. Vangelisti VOLUME 4: PERSUASION AND COMPETENCE Persuasion Harnessing the Science of Persuasion - Robert B. Ciadini Theories of Persuasion - Daniel J. O'Keefe A Meta-analysis of Fear Appeals: Implications for effective public health campaigns - Kim Witte and Mike Allen The Empirical Study of the Persuasive Effects of Evidence: The status after 50 years of research - John C. Reinard Domineeringness and Dominance: A transactional view - L. Edna Rogers-Millar and Frank E. Millar III The Theory of Reasoned Action and Self-construal: Evidence from three cultures - Hee Sun Park and Timothy R. Levine The Persuasiveness of Source Credibility: A critical review of five decades' evidence - Chanthika Pornpitakpan Compliance-gaining Message Strategies: A typology and some findings concerning the effects of situational differences - Gerald R. Miller, Frank J. Boster, Michael E. Roloff and David R. Seibold Competence Communication Competence as Knowledge, Skill, and Impression - Brian H. Spitzberg Explication and Test of a Model of Communicative Competence - John M. Wiemann Methods of Social Skills Training and Development - Chris Segrin and Michelle Givertz Family Communication Standards: What counts as excellent family communication and how are such standards associated with family satisfaction? - John P. Caughlin Assessment of Basic Social Skills - Ronald E. Riggio Thin Slices of Expressive Behavior as Predictors of Interpersonal Consequences: A meta-analysis - Nalini Ambady and Robert Rosenthal Dimensions of Intercultural Effectiveness: Culture specific or culture general? - William B. Gudykunst and Mitchell R. Hammer Issues in the Development of a Theory of Interpersonal Competence in the Intercultural Context - Brian H. Spitzberg

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