VOLUME ONE: THEORETICAL ORIGINS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION Part A: Theoretical Tributaries from Anthropology, Sociology and Social Psychology Thick Description: Towards an interpretive theory of culture - Clifford Geertz Extracts from Symbolic Interactionism: perspective and method - Herbert Blumer Extracts from Collected Papers 1: The problems of social reality - Alfred Schutz Extracts from Studies in Ethnomethodology - Harold Garfinkel Extracts from The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life - Erving Goffman Part B: Case Study, Ethnography and Evaluation Extracts from Boys in White: Student culture in medical school - Howard Becker, Blanche Geer, Everett Hughes and Anselm Strauss Extracts from The Man in the Principal's Office - Harry Wolcott Structuring School Structure - Hugh Mehan Extracts from Social Relations in a Secondary School - David Hargreaves Extracts from 'Problems of Sociological Fieldwork: A review of the methodology of Hightown Grammar' - Colin Lacey Extracts from Beachside Comprehensive - Stephen Ball The Countenance of Educational Evaluation - Robert Stake Evaluation and the Control of Education - Barry MacDonald The Conduct of Educational Case Study: Ethics, theory and procedures - Rob Walker The Study Method in Social Inquiry - Robert Stake The Imagination of the Case and the Invention of the Study - Stephen Kemmis Evaluation as Illumination: A new approach to the study of innovatory programmes - Malcolm Parlett and David Hamilton The Teacher as Researcher - Lawrence Stenhouse Extracts from Fourth Generation Evaluation - Egon Guba and Yvonna Lincoln The Deliberative Democratic View - Ernest House and Kenneth Howe Qualitative Research Traditions: A review - Evelyn Jacob Qualitative Research Traditions: A British response to Jacob - Paul Atkinson, Sara Delamont and Martyn Hammersley Critical Ethnography in Education: Origins, current status and new directions - Gary Anderson VOLUME TWO: LANGUAGE, PHILOSOPHY AND POLITICS - ADDITIONAL THEORETICAL TRIBUTARIES AND METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN EDUCATION Part A: Other Contributory Social Scientific Traditions Extracts from Class, Codes and Control - Basil Bernstein Extracts from 'The Forms of Capital' - Pierre Bourdieu Extracts from 'An Approach to the Study of Curricula as Socially Organised Knowledge' - Michael Young Feminisms and Education - Gaby Weiner Extracts from Common Knowledge: The development of understanding in the classroom - Derek Edwards and Neil Mercer Text and Discourse in Education: An introduction to critical discourse analysis - Allan Luke Thinking and Learning in Social Context - Barbara Rogoff Extracts from Situated Learning: Legitimate peripheral participation - Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger Extracts from Discourse and Cognition - Derek Edwards Beyond Developmentalism - Valerie Walkerdine Part B: Developing the Political, Ethical, Epistemological and Emancipatory Implications of Qualitative Approaches Extracts from Action Research for Educational Change - John Elliott Research as Praxis - Patti Lather Post-Structural Feminism in Education: An overview - Elizabeth Adams St.Pierre The Problem of Speaking for Others - Linda Alcoff Transformative Approaches to Student Voice: Theoretical underpinnings, recalcitrant realities - Michael Fielding Silence Speaks: Whiteness revealed in the absence of voice - Lisa Mazzei Disability Research and the 'Researcher Template': Reflections on grounded subjectivity in ethnographic research - Dan Goodley Gazing with Intent: Ethnographic practice in classrooms - Tuula Gordon et al What's Race Got to Do with It? Critical Race Theory's conflicts with and connections to qualitative research methodology and epistemology - Laurence Parker and Marvin Lynn Writing the 'Wrongs' of Fieldwork: Confronting our own research writing dilemmas in urban ethnographies - Michelle Fine and Lois Weis On Tricky Ground: Researching the native in the age of uncertainty - Linda Tuhiwai Smith Rhizovocality - Alecia Youngblood Jackson Extracts from Performance Ethnography: Critical pedagogy and the politics of culture - Norman Denzin The Bone in the Throat: Some uncertain thoughts on baroque method - Maggie MacLure VOLUME THREE: KEY SUBSTANTIVE FIELDS AND TOPICS OF INQUIRY IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN EDUCATION Part A: Social Scientific Topics and Issues Extracts from Life in Classrooms - Philip Jackson A Model of Classroom Coping Strategies - Andrew Pollard Coping at School through Humour - Peter Woods Extracts from Learning to Labour: How working class kids get working class jobs - Paul Willis Deadlier than the Male? Girls' conformity and deviance in school - Lewes Davies Cherokee School Society and the Intercultural Classroom - Robert Dumont and Murray Wax Empowerment and Cultural Conflict: Navajo parents and the schooling of their children - Donna Deyhle The Silenced Dialogue: Power and pedagogy in educating other people's children - Lisa Delpit Beyond the White Norm: The use of qualitative methods in the study of black youth's schooling in England - Mairtin Mac an Ghaill Flexible Identities: Exploring race and gender issues among a group of immigrant pupils in an inner-city comprehensive school - Naz Rassool Who is 'Us'? Students negotiating discourses of racism and national indentification in Australia - Julie McLeod and Lyn Yates I Don't Need This: Acts of transgression by students with special educational needs - Julie Allan Sex-Gender-Sexuality: How sex, gender and sexuality constellations are constituted in secondary school - Deborah Youdell Becoming Schoolgirls: The ambivalent project of subjectification - Bronwyn Davies et al The Question of Belief: Writing post-structural ethnography - Deborah Britzman Part B: Investigating Education Policy and Practice Extracts from The Man in the Principal's Office - Harry Wolcott The Reconstruction of Primary Teachers' Identities - Peter Woods and Bob Jeffrey Good School/Bad School: Paradox and fabrication - Stephen Ball "I'll be a Nothing": Structure, agency and the construction of identity through assessment - Diane Reay and Dylan Wiliam Extracts from High Stakes Education - Pauline Lipman Investigating Formative Classroom Assessment - Harry Torrance and John Pryor Education Change over Time? The sustainability and nonsustainability of three decades of secondary school change and continuity - Andy Hargreaves and Ivor Goodson VOLUME FOUR: CONTEMPORARY METHODS, ISSUES AND DEBATES IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN EDUCATION - ETHICS, SCIENCE, POLICY AND POLITICS Extracts from Action Research: A methodology for change and development - Bridget Somekh Representing Teachers - Ivor Goodson Storying Schools: Issues around attempts to create a sense of feel and place in narrative research writing - Pat Sikes Visual Methods and the Visual Culture of Schools - Jon Prosser Multimodal Ethnography - Bella Dicks et al Ethnography and Data Re-use: Issues of context and hypertext - Bella Dicks et al Multiple Methods in Qualitative Research with Children: More insight or just more? - Philip Darbyshire, Colin MacDougal and Wendy Schiller Developing an Emancipatory Research Agenda: Possibilities and dilemmas - Len Barton Ethics, Institutional Review Boards and the Changing Face of Educational Research - Kenneth Howe and Katharine Dougherty Qualitative Research and Institutional Review Boards - Yvonna Lincoln and William Tierney Ethics and Ethnography - Paul Atkinson Research Ethical Guidelines and Anonymity - Geoffrey Walford Rethinking Ethics Review as Institutional Discourse - Christine Halse and Anne Honey 'Caught in the Act': Ethics committee review and researching the sexual culture of schools - Louisa Allen 'Reading' the Nursery Classroom: A Foucauldian perspective - Liz Jones and Tony Brown Deterritorializations: Putting postmodernism to work on teacher education and inclusion - Julie Allan Beyond 'Emotional Literacy' in Feminist and Educational Research - Erica Burman Scientific Culture and Educational Research - Michael Feuer, Lisa Towne and Richard Shavelson Culture, Rigor and Science in Educational Research - Frederick Erickson and Kris Gutierrez This IS your Father's Paradigm: Government intrusion and the case of qualitative research in education - Patti Lather The Issue of Quality in Qualitative Research - Martyn Hammersley Systematic Research Synthesis to Inform Policy, Practice and Democratic Debate - David Gough and Diana Elbourne 'Clarity Bordering on Stupidity': Where's the quality in systematic review? - Maggie MacLure Synthesis Through Meta-Ethnography: Paradoxes, enhancements and possibilities - Lynn Doyle How Can Systematic Reviews Incorporate Qualitative Research? A critical perspective - Mary Dixon-Woods et al Building Confidence in Qualitative Research: Engaging the demands of policy - Harry Torrance
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'Torrance offers the field a rich and expansive set of readings. His intervention is bold in its claims, conservative in its approach. It will most certainly serve its readers well-new as well as seasoned researchers and scholars. It will also call up new audiences, at the intersections between education and qualitative research' - Greg Dimitriadis, University of Buffalo, SUNY