Tourism - Stephen J. Page and Joanne Connell VOLUME 1: THE EVOLUTION OF THE SUBJECT OF STUDY National Forests as Recreation Grounds - T. Cleveland Jr. The Claim of the Coast - V. Cornish Mining Tourist Towns in the Canadian Rockies - S.B. Jones A National Park at the Lands End - V. Cornish European Air Services, June 1934 - A. O'Dell The Business of Recreation - R.M Brown Geographic Aspects of the German Tourist Trade - A.C. Selke Recreation Industry of New Hampshire - A.S. Carlson The Growth of Inland and Seaside Health Resorts in England - E.W. Gilbert The Tourist Industry of a Modern Highway, US16 in South Dakota - E. Eiselen The Hill Stations and Summer Resorts of the Orient - J. Spencer and W. Thomas The Growth of Brighton - E.W. Gilbert Vacations: A psycho-analytic study - A. Grinstein Tourist Research - A Recent Development at the Universities - I. Crampon Tourists in Corsica - G.W. Robinson The Sociological Consequences of Tourism - J. Forster Advertising and Marketing in the Airline Industry - A. Burkart Some Considerations of Tourism Location in Europe: The peripheral regions - underdeveloped countries - recreation areas - W. Christaller Impact of a Tourist Facility on its Hinterland - G.F. Deasy and P.R Griess Tourism - Spain's Most Important Industry - J. Naylon The Location and Growth of Holiday Caravan Camps in Wales, 1956-65 - W. Rees Pryce On Some Patterns of International Tourism Flows - A. Williams and W. Zelinsky The Movement of Retired People to Seaside Resorts - C. Law and A. Warnes Canada's National Parks - Past, Present and Future - J.G. Nelson Tourism in Former Eastern European Societies: Ideology in conflict with requisites - L.A. Kreck VOLUME 2: THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM AS A SOCIAL SCIENCE SUBJECT: EVOLUTION OF TOURISM RESEARCH AND SOCIAL SCIENCE CONCEPTUALISATIONS Evolution Tourism and the Social Sciences : A bibliography: 1970 - 1978 - J. Jafari Seminal Social Science Conceptualisations of Tourism Towards a Sociology of International Tourism - E. Cohen Cultural Change and Contemporary Holidaymaking - J. Urry The Sociology of Tourism - J. Urry Towards a Symbiosis of Social Psychology and Tourism Studies - P. Stringer and P.L Pearce Towards a Geography of Tourism - D.G. Pearce Geography and Tourism - L.S. Mitchell and P.E Murphy The Contribution of Economics to Tourism - H. Gray Tourism as an Anthropological Subject (and Comments and Reply) - D. Nash The Anthropology of Tourism - N. Graburn Representations of International Tourism in the Social Sciences: Sun, sex, sights, savings, and servility - M. Crick Tourism Politics and Political Science : A case of not so benign neglect - L. Richter Methodological Development of Tourism Research: Measurement and Debates on Tourists and Tourism 'Who is a Tourist? A conceptual clarification - E. Cohen Concepts, Definitions and Measures used in Travel and Tourism Research - R. Chadwick Methodology in Tourism Research - G. Dann, D. Nash and P. Pearce The Statistical Measurement of Tourism - J. Latham Conceptual Issues in the Meaning of Tourism - D.C. Gilbert VOLUME 3: THE TOURIST AND TOURISM INDUSTRY: APPROACHES TO UNDERSTAND THE TOURIST A Theory of Human Motivation - A. Maslow Why Destination Areas Rise and Fall in Popularity: An update of a Cornell Quarterly classic - S. Plog A Test of Plog's Allocentric/Psychocentric Model: Evidence from seven nations - S.L.J. Smith Motivations for Pleasure Vacation - J. Crompton Tourist Motivation: An appraisal - G. Dann Family Vacation Decision-making - R.L. Jenkins Understanding Holiday Choice - B. Goodall Behavioural Conceptualisation of Tourism and Leisure - K. Moore, G. Cushman and D. Simmons The Study of International Tourism Demand: A review of findings - G. Crouch Tourist Guide Interaction - P.L. Pearce Consumer Behaviour in Tourism - L. Moutinho Competitive Strategies for a New Tourism - A. Poon Approaches and Concepts to Understand the Tourism Industry Some Determinants of Hotel Location: The tourists' inclination - A. Arbel and A. Pizam The Framework of Tourism: Towards a definition of tourism, tourist, and the tourist industry - N. Leiper Why 'the Tourism Industry' is Misleading as a Generic Expression: The case for the plural variation, 'tourism industries' - N. Leiper A Framework for Tourist Attraction Research - A.A. Lew The Global Hotel Industry: The emergence of continental hotel companies - J. Gannon and K. Johnston The Geography of Deregulation in the US Airline Industry - A. Goetz and C. Sutton The Political Economy of Tourism in the Third World - S.G. Britton Tourism, Capital and Place: Towards a critical geography of tourism - S.G. Britton VOLUME 4: UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACTS OF TOURISM Economic A Re-examination of the Relative Importance of Tourism to State Economies - T.R. Doering Travel as an Employer in the State Economy - D.C. Frechtling Domestic Tourism as a Development Factor - B.H. Archer The Value of Multipliers and their Policy Implications - B.H. Archer Tourism's External Account and the Balance of Payments - R. Baretje Assessing the Impacts of Travel and Tourism - Introduction to Travel Impact Estimation - D.C. Frechtling An Overview of Approaches to Forecasting Tourist Demand - M. Uysal and J.L. Crompton Demand Forecasting in Tourism and Recreation - S. Witt and C. Martin The Economics of Tourism - M.T. Sinclair The Hotel and Catering Industry of Great Britain during the 1980s: Sub-regional employment change, specialisation and dominance - P. Bull and A. Church Social The Social Implications of Tourist Developments - R.W. Butler A Causation Theory of Visitor-Resident Irritants: Methodology and research inferences - G.V. Doxey Tourism's Impacts: The social costs to the destination community as perceived by its residents - A. Pizam Residents and Transients: Community reaction to seasonal visitors - R.A. Rothman Tourism and Crime: An Australian perspective - D.J. Walmesley, R.M. Boskovic and J.J. Pigram The Impact of Tourism Development on Residents' Perceptions of Community Life - L.R. Allen, P.T. Long, R.R. Perdue and S. Kieselbach Residents' Strategies for Responding to Tourism Impacts - J. Ap and J.L. Crompton The Attitudes of Bakewell Residents to Tourism and Issues in Community Responsive Tourism - C. Ryan and D. Montgomery Residents' Attitudes Towards Tourism: A longitudinal study in Spey Valley, Scotland - D. Getz A Framework for Monitoring Community Impacts of Tourism - W. Faulkner and C. Tideswell Environmental The Impact of Tourism on the Physical Environment - E. Cohen Environmental Implications of Tourism Development - J.J. Pigram Tourism and Physical Environment Research - B.H. Farrell and R.W. McLellan Sustainable Tourism: Policy considerations - J.J. Pigram Tourism and Climate Change - K. Smith Alternative Tourism: Pious hope or Trojan horse - R.W. Butler Ecology and Tourism - B.H. Farrell and D. Runyan Environmental Impacts of Tourism on the Kenya Coast - N. Visser and S. Njunga Sustainable Ecotourism: Balancing economic, environmental and social goals within an ethical framework - P.A. Wight Tourism and Climate Change: An international perspective - G. Wall and C. Badke VOLUME 5: THE MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING OF TOURISM The Concept of a Tourist Area Cycle of Evolution, Implications for Management of Resources - R.W. Butler Socio-economic Variations in Pleasure Trip Patterns: The case of Hull car-owners - G. Wall Changes in Vacation Travel in Response to Motor Fuel Shortages and Higher Prices - T.M. Corsi and M.E. Harvey Towards New Tourism Policies: The Importance of Environmental and Sociocultural Factors - J. Krippendorf International Tourist Flows in Malaysia - M. Oppermann Planning for Tourism in Britain - J. Heeley Models in Tourism Planning Towards Integration of Theory and Practice - D. Getz Environmental Planning for Tourism - E. Inskeep Tourism Planning in London: An exercise in spatial and seasonal management - P.E. Murphy Responsible and Responsive Approach to Tourism Planning in the Community - K. Haywood A Methodology for the Integration of Tourism in Town Planning - D. Dredge and S. Moore Planning for Tourism Business Districts - D. Getz Pricing Policy in Nature-based Tourism - J. Laarman and H. Gregersen The Changing Role of Bord Failte 1960-1975 - P. Heneghan Alternative Roles of National Tourism Organizations - D. Choy Recreation Use Limits: Issues for the tourism industry - S. McCool Community Driven Tourism Planning - P.E. Murphy Tourism and the European Regional Development Fund: The first fourteen years - D.G. Pearce Tourism, Economic Development and the Role of Entrepreneurial Activity - G. Shaw and A.M. Williams Tourism and Small Business Development: Terra incognita - S.J. Page, P. Forer and G. Lawton Human Resource Management in Tourism - T. Baum and J. Kokkranikel The Unrecognized Threat to Tourism: Can tourism survive sustainability - B. McKercher Indicators of Sustainable Tourism in New Zealand: A local government perspective - S. Dymond Towards Sustainable Tourism Planning in New Zealand: Public sector planning responses - S.J. Page and K. Thorn Towards Sustainable Tourism Planning in New Zealand: The public sector planning responses revisited - S.J. Page and K. Thorn Visitor Management in Canadian National Parks - R. Graham, P. Nilsen and R. Payne Oxford: A heritage city under pressure : Visitors, impacts and management responses - J. Glasson Managing Growth in Mountain Tourism Communities - A. Gill and P.W. Williams VOLUME 6: NEW CONCEPTUALISATIONS AND APPROACHES: EMERGING RESEARCH THEMES IN THE 1970S, 1980S AND EARLY 1990S The Tourist as a Consumer: The role of marketing issues An Assessment of the Image of Mexico as a Vacation Destination - J.L. Crompton Tourist Brochures and Tourist Images - R.S. Dilley Tourism Marketing - Its Emergence and Establishment - D.C. Gilbert A Framework for Managing Quality in the Tourist Experience - A.R. Graefe and J.J. Vaske Quality Management and the Tourism and Hospitality Industry - D. Gilbert and I. Joshi Tourism as a Tool for Regeneration: The example of urban tourism Urban Tourism: An imbalance in attention - G.J. Ashworth Leisure Shopping: A magic concept for the tourism industry - M. Jansen-Verbeke Tourism Urbanization - P. Mullins Urban Tourism and its Contribution to Economic Regeneration - C.M. Law Rural Tourism Rural Tourism: An international review - S.J. Page and D. Getz Farm Tourism in Europe - L.A. Dernoi A Conceptual Framework for Investigating Farm-based Accommodation and Tourism in Britain - N.J. Evans and B.W. Ilbery Farm Tourism in England - J. Frater What is Rural Tourism? - B. Lane Valuing Countryside: Reflections on Beatrix Potter tourism - S.J. Squire Coastal Tourism Beach Usage in the Melbourne Region - D. Mercer Beach Resorts: A model of development evolution - R.A. Smith Event Tourism Staged Authenticity: Arrangements of social space in tourist settings - D. MacCannell Hallmark Events: An evaluation of a strategic response to seasonality in the travel market - J.R.B. Ritchie and D. Beliveau Assessing the Impact of Hallmark Events: Conceptual and research issues - J.R.B. Ritchie Mega-events and Micro-modernisation: On the sociology of the new urban tourism - M. Roche Tourism and the Less Developed World Tourism Transport - Implications for Developing Countries - M. Heraty Tourism Development and Resorts on the East Coast of Peninsula Malaysia - P.P. Wong Tourism in the Gambia: Some issues in development policy - P. Dieke VOLUME 6: NEW CONCEPTUALIZATIONS AND APPROACHES Emerging Research Themes in the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s The Tourist as a Consumer: The Role of Marketing Issues An Assessment of the Image of Mexico as a Vacation Destination and the Influence of Geographical Location Upon That Image - John L. Crompton Brochures and Tourist Images - Robert S. Dilley Tourism Marketing - Its Emergence and Establishment - D.C. Gilbert A Framework for Managing Quality in the Tourist Experience - Alan R. Graefe and Jerry J. Vaske Quality Management and the Tourism and Hospitality Industry - D.C. Gilbert and I. Joshi Tourism as a Tool for Regeneration: The Example of Urban Tourism Urban Tourism: An Imbalance in Attention - G.J. Ashworth A Model of Tourists' Propensity to Buy: The Case of Japanese Visitors to Hawaii - Charles F. Keown Tourism Urbanization - Patrick Mullins Urban Tourism and Its Contribution to Economic Regeneration - Christopher M. Law Rural Tourism The Business of Rural Tourism: International Perspectives - S.J. Page and D. Getz A Conceptual Framework for Investigating Farm-based Accommodation and Tourism in Britain - Nicholas J. Evans and Brian W. Ilbery Holidays on the Farm: A Case Study of German Hosts and Guests - Martin Oppermann What Is Rural Tourism? - Bernard Lane Event Tourism Staged Authenticity: Arrangements of Social Space in Tourist Settings - Dean MacCannell Hallmark Events: An Evaluation of a Strategic Response to Seasonality in the Travel Market - J.R. Brent Ritchie and Donald Beliveau Assessing the Impact of Hallmark Events: Conceptual and Research Issues - J.R. Brent Ritchie Images and Realities in Congress Tourism - G.D. Taylor Estimating the Economic Impact of a Short-Term Tourist Event - Albert J. Della Bitta, David L. Loudon, G. Geoffrey Booth and Richard R. Weeks Mega-Events and Micro-Modernization: On the Sociology of the New Urban Tourism - Maurice Roche Tourism and the Less Developed World Tourism Development in Latin America: A Policy Prescription and Prognosis - Jerry R. Ladman and M. E. Bond Evaluating Tourism in Developing Areas: An Exploratory Inquiry - G. Donald Jud and Walter Krause Tourism Transport - Implications for Developing Countries - Margaret J. Heraty Tourism Development and Resorts on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia - P.P. Wong Introduction: The Context of Tourism Development in the South Pacific - C. Michael Hall and Stephen J. Page