Dr. Bill Rogers taught for many years before becoming an education consultant and author; he lectures widely on behaviour management, discipline, effective teaching, stress management and teacher welfare across the UK and Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Bill also works as a mentor-teacher, team-teaching in challenging schools. He is well aware of the challenges of teacher leadership in schools today. Bill read theology at Ridley College Melbourne University, then psychology and education also at Melbourne University. He is a Fellow of the Australian College of Education, Honorary Life Fellow of All Saints and Trinity College, Leeds University and Honorary Fellow at Melbourne University Graduate School of Education. He has written many books for SAGE Publications. To find out more about Bill's work, visit his website www.billrogers.com.au where you will find full details of how to book him for a workshop or training event.
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PART ONE: CHALLENGING BEHAVIOUR: OUR THINKING, ATTITUDES AND STRATEGY We Cannot Predict Where Our Students May End up - Bill Rogers The 'Pygmalion Effect': Where Expectancy Can Lead - Bill Rogers 'Dear Luke': What I Saw at the Outset and How Children's Behaviour Challenges us in Positive Ways - Elizabeth McPherson My Global Classroom - Peter D'Angelo 'William' and 'Muddling through' - Jim Gilbert Parents: The Difficult Chat - Bill Rogers PART TWO: UNDERSTANDING CHALLENGING CHILDREN AND CHILDREN WITH EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIOURAL DISORDER Understanding emotional and behavioural disorder in mainstream schools - Bill Rogers Measurement of difference or meaning (when working with challenging children) - Ken Sell Changing perceptions of challenging behaviour: Tom and his teacher - Larry Taylor Finding a connection point for change in behaviour: Alex 'wins a race' - Karen Kearney Choosing to teach: choosing to make a difference - Elizabeth McPherson PART THREE: TEACHING CHILDREN WITH EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIOURAL DISORDER Introduction - Bill Rogers One, two, three, four, out the door - or STOP (Straight To the Office Please) - Bette Blance There is always a way back: an individual behaviour management plan - Mara Smart, Mariette West and Pamela Curtain Helping a child change his behaviour and his short attention span - Kerrie Miller AD/HD and teaching academic survival behaviours - Bill Rogers A tall order: a challenging student on day one and after - Patsy Finger Individual behaviour management plans and group support with infant-age children: Troy's story - Debbie Hoy PART FOUR: THE HARD-TO-MANAGE CLASS: WHEN IT IS MORE THAN ONE OR TWO The hard-to-manage class: reasons, options, support - Bill Rogers My most challenging Year 8 class ever - Leanne Wright The 'class from hell' - Denise Frost Classroom meetings to the rescue - Carmen Price A winner - in a hard class - Heather Fraser PART FIVE: WORKING TO BUILD A CO-OPERATIVE CLASSROOM GROUP: CLASSROOM MEETINGS AND BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS Introduction - Bill Rogers Friendship problems: using a solving circle - Carmen Price Relationships and conflict-solving (classroom and playground) with infants - Debbie Hoy and Ros Daniels Creating the peaceable school - Carmel Ryan A beautiful place: building a multicultural school - Larry Schwartz A human story - Unsourced PART SIX: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES THAT ENABLE US TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE WITH INDIVIDUAL CHILDREN AND CLASSROOM GROUPS - Bill Rogers PART SEVEN: SUPPORTING PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH CHALLENGING BEHAVIOURS Communicating with parents who challenge... - Bill Rogers Dealing with - and supporting - difficult parents - Gail Doney Supporting the parents of children with challenging behaviour - Cathy Whalen Working with difficult parents - Maureen Smyth Working with parents/ca/carers of children with challenging behaviours (primary) - Alysan Dermody Palmer An extended note on anger (primarily from Aristotle) - Bill Rogers PART EIGHT: NARRATIVES: HOW TEACHERS' STORIES CONNECT US, SUPPORT US, ENCOURAGE US AND ENABLE US AS TEACHERS - Sharn Donnison
'Well edited and short, the essays are easy to read and fit in to a busy life...The honest and thoughtful reflections of the teachers provide a sense of hope that prosocial behaviour is achievable and not a dream!' - Youth in Mind 'It's easy to see why Bill Rogers is revered by generations of teachers across the world. The stories assembled here are compelling and reflective. They will provide a stimulus and support to teachers 'cutting and chipping themselves into the shape of the key which will have the merit of unlocking the minds and opening the hearts' of the pupils they teach. Bill's overview and commentary will as usual resonate with schools and teachers. It deserves a place along with his other books in the staff library. Any one of the case studies here, along with Bill's observations, could form the basis of any school working group examining the issue of 'behaviour'. It's bound to lead to an improvement among pupils parents and staff. And it will help teachers at the end of their tether both preserve their sanity and extend the tether!' - Sir Tim Brighouse, Advisor, Hamlyn Foundation and Visiting Professor, Institute of Education, University of London