I have previously taught at the Universities of Leicester, Essex and Strathclyde and my research interests are fairly eclectic. I continue to engage in research related to the history of marketing, with a specific focus on the influence of the Cold War on marketing and advertising theory. An on-going stream of research deals with racism and eugenics in marketing theory, thought and practice. Suffice to say, these are just a sample of what is presently occupying my attention.
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Volume 1 Introduction Part 1: The Domain of Macromarketing The Macromarketing/Micromarketing Dichotomy: A taxonomical model - Shelby D Hunt and John Burnett Macromarketing: Past, present and possible future - Roger A. Layton and Sanford Grossbart Macromarketing as a Pillar of Marketing Thought - William W. Wilkie and Elizabeth S. Moore Focusing the Future of Macromarketing - Mark Peterson Marketing as Constructive Engagement - C.J. Shultz Part 2: The Intellectual Roots of Contemporary Macromarketing Emerging Macromarketing Concepts: From Socrates to Alfred Marshall - D.F. Dixon Pre-Aldersonian Antecedents to Macromarketing: Insights from the textual literature - Ronald Savitt Marketing: Management technology or social process? - Daniel, J. Sweeney Criteria for a Theory of Responsible Consumption - George Fisk The Visions of Charles C. Slater: Social consequences of marketing - Robert W. Nason and Phillip D. White The Political Economy of Marketing Systems: Reviving the institutional approach - Johan Arndt Reflection and Retrospection: Searching for visions in marketing - George Fisk Part 3: Perceptions of the Market Moral Views of Market Society - Marion Fourcade and Kieran Healy Macromarketing as Agrology: Macromarketing theory and the study of the Agora - John D. Mittelstaedt, William E. Kilbourne and Robert A Mittelstaedt Embedded Markets, Communities and the Invisible Hand of Social Norms - Rohit Varman and Janeen Arnold Costa Part 4: Marketing Systems Marketing Systems: A core macromarketing concept - Roger A. Layton Market Institutions and Urban Food Supply in West and Southern Africa: A review - Gina Porter, Fergus Lyon and Deborah Potts Rich Doctors and Poor Patients: Market failure and health care systems in developing countries - B.N. Ghosh On Economic Growth, Marketing Systems and the Quality of Life - Roger A. Layton Part 5: Marketing Externalities The Social Consequences of Marketing: Macromarketing and public policy - Robert W. Nason Market Mechanisms and the External Benefits of Consumption - Jack Cadeaux The Harm Chain: A public policy development and stakeholder perspective - M.J. Polonsky, Carlson, L. and Fry, M-L. Global Food Marketing Systems and Local Cultural Change in the Developing World - Terrence H. Witkowski Are Biofuels Pro-poor? Assessing the evidence - J.S. Clancy Volume 2 Part 6: Society's Impact on Markets and Marketing Systems A Framework for Understanding the Relationships between Religions and Markets - John D. Mittelstaedt When Policies and Marketing Systems Explode: An Assessment of food marketing in the war-ravaged Balkans and implications for recovery, sustainable peace, and prosperity - Clifford J. Shultz, T.J. Burkink, B. Grbac and N. Renko 'The marketplace, emerging technology and marketing theory' - George M. Zinkhan The Politics of Marketing: Analyzing the parallel political marketplace - Michael D. Hutt, Michael P. Mokwa and Stanley J. Shapiro Mobilizing Consumers to Take Responsibility for Global Social Justice - M. Micheletti and D. Stolle Part 7: Marketing Ethics Normative Perspectives for Ethically and Socially Responsible Marketing - Gene Laczniak and Patrick Murphy The General Theory of Marketing Ethics: A revision and three questions - Shelby Hunt and Scott J. Vitell International Marketing Ethics from an Islamic Perspective: A value-maximization approach - M. Saeed, Z.U. Ahmed and S-M. Mukhtar Catholic Social Thought and Ethical Issues in Marketing - Thomas A. Klein and Gene R. Laczniak Part 8: Distributive Justice A Compendium of Inequality: The human development report - Jens Martens Out of Sight and Out of Our Minds: What of those left behind in globalism? - R. Belk International Human Rights and Consumer Quality of Life: An ethical perspective - Ronald Paul Hill, William F. Felice and Thomas Ainscough Distributive Justice: Pressing questions, emerging directions and the promise of Rawlsian analysis - Gene R. Laczniak and Patrick E. Murphy A Macromarketing Ethics Framework: Stakeholder orientation and distributive justice - O.C. Ferrell and Linda Ferrell Fair Trade: Dynamic and dilemmas of a market oriented global social movement - John Wilkinson Part 9: Quality of Life-A Macromarketing Perspective Measuring Quality of Life: Economic, social and subjective indicators - Ed Diener and Eunkook Suh Technological Achievement and Human Development - R.P. Hill and K.K. Dhanda Quality-of-Life (QOL) Marketing: Proposed antecedents and consequences - Dong-Jin Lee and M. Joseph Sirgy Comparative Marketing Measures of Societal Quality of Life: Substantive dimensions in 186 countries - Mark Peterson and Naresh K. Malhotra Part 10: Toward Socioeconomic Development New Directions in Development Thinking - United Nations Development Programme Amartya Sen's Contribution to Development Thinking - Frances Stewart and Severine Deneulin Human Development and Humane Consumption: Well-being beyond the "Good Life" - G liz Ger How to Help Poor Countries - Nancy Birdsall, Dani Rodrik and Arvind Subramanian Volume 3 Part 11: Controversies in Development 1: Benefits from Freer Trade? The Doha Round Challenges to the Multilateral Trading System - Peter Sutherland Developing Countries and the Collapse of the Doha Round - Yilmas Aky z, William Milberg and Robert Wade 'Dispelling Some Misconceptions about Agricultural Trade Liberalization' - Stephen Tokarick The Limited Promise of Agricultural Trade Liberalization - Timothy A. Wise Part 12: Controversies In Development 2: The Role of International Development Assistance Report of the UN Millennium Project "Investing in Development" - Jens Martens Investing in Development: The millennium development goals, aid and sustainable capital accumulation - Roy Rathin and Antoine Heuty Making Aid Work - Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee Was Development Assistance a Mistake? - William Easterly Growth, Poverty Reduction and Development Assistance in Asia: Options and prospects - John Farrington and Jeremy Clarke Part 13: Controversies in Development 3: Economic Growth & Reduced Poverty Halving Global Poverty - Timothy Besley and Robin Burgess Growth, Inequality and Poverty: Some hard questions - Ravi Kanbur Poverty and Economic Policy: What happens when researchers disagree? - Andrew Sumner and Meera Tiwari On the Links between Globalization and Poverty - Ann Harrison and Margaret McMillan Globalization and Rural Poverty - Pranab Bardhan Part 14: Controversies in Development 4: Challenges in Globalization Antiglobal Challenges to Marketing in Developing Countries: Exploring the ideological divide - Terrence H. Witkowski Globalization's Missing Middle - Geoffrey Garrett The Hijacking of the Development Debate: How Friedman and Sachs got it wrong - Robin Broad and John Cavanagh Is Globalization Working? - David Singh Grewal Stiglitz and his Discontent - Timothy Koechlin Critiquing the Critics of Economic Globalization - Michael J.Trebilcock Part 15: Transition Economies and Macromarketing What the Change of System from Socialism to Capitalism Does and Does Not Mean - Janos Kornai Transition Economies: Performance and challenges - Jan Svejnar Marketing and Development in the Transition Economies of Southeast Asia: Policy explication, assessment and implications - Clifford J. II Shultz and Anthony Pecotich Choosing Success: The lessons of East and Southeast Asia and Vietnam's future, a policy framework for Vietnam's socioeconomic development 2011-2020 - David Dapice et al. Volume 4 Part 16: Marketing and Development Marketing and Development: Macromarketing perspectives - Thomas Klein and Robert Nason Social Marketing and Development - Ruby Roy Dholakia and Nikhilesh Dholakia Globalization and Development: An expanded macromarketing view - William E.Kilbourne Evidence of Microfinance's Contribution to Achieving the Millennium Development Goals - Christopher Dunford Part 17: Marketing and Societal Development: Issues and Approaches Alleviating Poverty: A macro/micro marketing perspective - Phillip Kotler, Ned Roberto and Tony Leisner "AIDS is Not a Business" A Study in Global Corporate Responsibility - Securing Access to Low-cost HIV Medications - William Flanagan and Gail Whiteman The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid - C.K. Prahalad and Stuart L. Hart The Mirage of Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid: How the private sector can help alleviate poverty - Aneel Karnani Marketing the Hegemony of Development: Of pulp fictions and green deserts - Steffen Boehm and Vinicius Brei Cross-Cultural Consumer/Consumption Research: Dealing with issues emerging from globalization and fragmentation - T. Bettina Cornwell and Judy Drennan Part 18: Fair Shares and Equal Sacrifice? 1. Sustainable Consumption Consumption in a Global Village - Unequal and Unbalanced - United Nations Development Programme Sustainable Consumption and the Quality of Life: A macromarketing challenge to the dominant social paradigm - William H. Kilbourne, Pierre McDonagh and Andrea Prothero Live Better by Consuming Less: Is there a dividend in sustainable consumption? - Tim Jackson Sustainable Household Consumption in Europe? - Lars Fogh Mortensen Part 19: Fair Shares and Equal Sacrifice? 2. Global Warming Climate Change 101: International action - Pew Center on Global Climate Change Equity and Climate: In principle and practice - John Ashton and Xueman Wang An Overview of Climate Change: What does it mean for our way of life? What is the best future we can hope for? - Neva Goodwin Part 20: In Conclusion: Dealing with the Problems of the Commons Marketing and the Tragedy of the Commons: A synthesis, commentary, and analysis for action - Clifford J. Shultz and Morris B. Holbrook