PART ONE: THE OPERATIONS FUNCTION Operations System Output Service Science Customers Technology Co-Ordination Planning and Control Integration Risk Theory PART TWO: OPERATIONS STRATEGY Performance Operations Strategy The Operations Strategy Process Trade-offs Location Capacity Process Layout Technology Management Flexibility Real Options PART THREE: INNOVATION MANAGEMENT Managing Innovation New Product Development New Service Development Platform PART FOUR: PROCESS MANAGEMENT Process Management Work Learning Curves Outsourcing PART FIVE: QUALITY Quality Quality Management Statistical Process Control ISO 9000 Six Sigma Kaizen PART SIX: INVENTORY Inventory Inventory Systems Material Requirements Planning Just-in-Time Inventory PART SEVEN: PLANNING AND CONTROL Forecasting Aggregate Production Planning Scheduling Project Planning Waiting Line Management Reverse Logistics Yield PART EIGHT: INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORKS Total Quality Management (TQM) Throughput Responsiveness Time-Based Competition Lean Agility Supply Chain
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'Key Concepts in Operations Management takes a fresh approach to the subject by re-examining its boundaries as well as its content. It therefore offers a unique approach that can be used as a useful alternative to existing texts, or to supplement them by presenting a complementary perspective' - David Bennett, Aston Business School, Aston University 'Using interesting examples and a relaxed style, this book is a very readable and useful resource for students and academics who wish to understand not only the basic tools and techniques of operations, but also to see how modern operational practices have developed, by setting them within their historical, theoretical and conceptual context' - Melanie Hudson-Smith, Lecturer in Operations Management, Plymouth Business School