Anders Molander is a professor at the Centre for the Study of Professions, Oslo Metropolitan University.
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VOLUME 1: DISCOVERING THE PUBLIC SPHERE Part 1: Inventing the Public Sphere Speech to the Electors of Bristol - Edmund Burke An Answer to the Question: 'What Is Enlightenment?' - Immanuel Kant On Public Opinion - Alexander Hamilton On Public Opinion - Jacques Peuchet Excerpt from Critique of the Power of Judgment - Immanuel Kant Public Opinion - James Madison Excerpt from Toward Perpetual Peace - Immanuel Kant Excerpt from The Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns - Benjamin Constant Excerpt from Elements of the Philosophy of Right - W.F. Hegel Excerpt from On Liberty - John Stuart Mill Part 2: 'Mass Society', Democracy and Public Opinion Excerpt from Critique of Public Opinion - Ferdinand Toennies The Principles of Parliamentarism - Carl Schmitt Excerpts from The Phantom Public - Walter Lippmann Excerpt from The Public and Its Problems - John Dewey Excerpt from Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy - Joseph A. Schumpeter Part 3: The Rediscovery of the Public Sphere The Public and the Private Realm - Hannah Arendt On Judgment and Politics - Hannah Arendt The Publice Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article - J rgen Habermas The Scientization of Politics and Public Opinion - J rgen Habermas Introduction to Public Sphere and Experience - Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge The End of Public Culture - Richard Sennett Part 4: Debating the Public Sphere The Blurring of Public and Private Behaviours - Joshua Meyrowitz Societal Complexity and Public Opinion - Niklas Luhmann Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contribution to the Critique of Actually Existing Democracy - Nancy Fraser Further Reflections on the Public Sphere - J rgen Habermas The Public and the Private Sphere: A Feminist Reconsideration - Joan B. Landes Public Intimacies, Private Citizens: Inequalities and the Pluralization of Public Spheres - Ken Plummer VOLUME 2: THE POLITICAL PUBLIC SPHERE Part 1: The Public Sphere and Deliberative Democracy On Legitimacy and Political Deliberation - Bernard Manin Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy - Joshua Cohen Civil Society, Public Opinion, and Communicative Power - J rgen Habermas Three Normative Models of Democracy - J rgen Habermas The Sense of Reciprocity - Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson The Idea of Public Reason Revisited - John Rawls Deliberative Democracy or Agonistic Pluralism? - Chantal Mouffe Is the Ideal of a Deliberative Democracy Coherent? - Cristina Lafont Part 2: The Political Public Sphere at Work: Public Opinion The Nature of Personal Influence - Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson and Hazel Gaudet Democratic Theory and Public Opinion - Bernard Berelson Opinion Research and Publicness - Theodor W. Adorno The Agenda-Setting Function of Mass Media - Maxwell E. McCombs and Donald L. Shaw The Spiral of Silence: A Theory of Public Opinion - Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann Public Opinion Does Not Exist - Pierre Bourdieu Part 3: The Political Public Sphere at Work: Deliberation Against Deliberation - Lynn M. Sanders Deliberation as Discussion - James D. Fearon Good Citizens and Bad History: Today's Political Ideals in Historical Perspective - Michael Schudson Measuring Publicity's Effect: Reconciling Empirical Research and Normative Theory - Simone Chambers Political Communication in Media Society: Does Democracy Still Enjoy an Epistemic Dimension? The Impact of Normative Theory on Empirical Research - J rgen Habermas The Surprising Failures of Deliberating Groups - Cass R. Sunstein Disaggregating Deliberation's Effects: An Experiment within a Deliberative Poll - Cynthia Farrar et al VOLUME 3: THE CULTURAL PUBLIC SPHERE Part 1: Aesthetics, Ethics, Politics Discourses and Institutions The Dialectic of the Aesthetic Power of Judgment - Immanuel Kant Letter to M. d'Alembert on the Theatre - Jean-Jacques Rousseau Theater Considered as a Moral Institution - Friedrich Schiller Institutions of the Public Sphere - J rgen Habermas Society - Theodor W. Adorno Aesthetic Experience and Political Impact On the Social Function of Literature - Hans Robert Jauss Tales of Sound and Fury: Observations on the Family Melodrama - Thomas Elsaesser History as Entertainment and Provocation: The TV Series 'Holocaust' in West Germany - Siegfried Zielinski On Theatre - Bertolt Brecht On Uncle Tom's Cabin - Henry Louis Gates Jr and Hollis Robbins Part 2: Publics and Markets Publics and Readers The Bourgeois Family and the Institutionalization of a Privateness Oriented to an Audience - J rgen Habermas The Reading Public and the Rise of the Novel - Ian Watt Early Cinema: Whose Public Sphere? - Miriam Hansen Perspectives on Media and the Modern Public Culture Industry Reconsidered - Theodor W. Adorno Free Time - Theodor W. Adorno Human Interest Stories and Democracy - Helen MacGill Hughes Celebrity Culture and Public Connection: Bridge or Chasm? - Nick Couldry and Tim Markham Public Service Broadcasting and Modern Public Life - Paddy Scannell The Cultural Public Sphere - Jim McGuigan Beyond the Semantic 'Big Bang': Cultural Sociology and an Aesthetic Public Sphere - Paul Jones Section 3: Identity, Identification and Imagination The Origins of National Consciousness - Benedict Anderson Suppose James Brown Read Fanon: The Black Arts Movement, Cultural Nationalism and the Failure of Popular Musical Praxis - Michael Hanson This Book Changes Lives: The 'Consciousness-Raising Novel' and Its Legacy - Imelda Whelehan and Maroula Joannou Taking Sides - Luc Boltanski The Discourse of Global Compassion: The Audience and Media Reporting of Human Suffering - Birgitta Hoeijer Part 4: Cultural Policy and the Public Sphere Can a Liberal State Support Art? - Ronald Dworkin The Media and the Public Sphere - Nicholas Garnham Learning from Experience: Cultural Policies and Cultural Democracy in the 20th Century - Jostein Gripsrud Building the Digital Commons: Public Broadcasting in the Age of the Internet - Graham Murdock VOLUME 4: THE FUTURE OF THE PUBLIC SPHERE Part 1: The Internet as a Public Sphere Cyberdemocracy: Internet and the Public Sphere - Mark Poster Democracy Online: Civility, Politeness, and the Democratic Potential of Online Political Discussion Groups - Zizi Papacharissi Dismantling the Digital Divide: Rethinking the Dynamics of Participation and Exclusion - Graham Murdock and Peter Golding The Internet, Public Spheres, and Political Communication: Dispersion and Deliberation - Peter Dahlgren Whose Voice Is Heard in Online Deliberation? A Study of Participation and Representation in Political Debates on the Internet - Steffen Albrecht Part 2: Fragmentation and Segmentation - Todd Gitlin Public Sphere or Public Sphericules? Publicity - John Keane Against the Tide? Small Groups, Social Movements, and the Net - Robert D. Putnam On Power Law Distributions, Network Topology, and Being Heard - Yochai Benkler Neither Hayek nor Habermas - Cass R. Sunstein Part 3: Difference and Deliberation Difference as a Resource for Democratic Communication - Iris Marion Young Deliberative Democracy, Self-determination, and Multiculturalism - Seyla Benhabib Religion in the Public Sphere - J rgen Habermas Part 4: Transnational Public Spheres National and Transnational Public Spheres - Bernhard Peters Expanding Dialogue: The Internet, the Public Sphere and Prospects for Transnational Democracy - James Bohman Beyond Migration: Islam as a Transnational Public Space - John R. Bowen Television and the European Public Sphere - Jostein Gripsrud Transnationalizing the Public Sphere: On the Legitimacy and Efficacy of Public Opinion in a Post-Westphalian World - Nancy Fraser Global 24/7 News Providers: Emissaries of Global Dominance or Global Public Sphere? - Simon Cottle and Mugdha Rai The New Public Sphere: Global Civil Society, Communication Networks, and Global Governance - Manuel Castells Uniting and Dividing: The European Public Sphere as an Unfinished Project - Hans-Joerg Trenz Pressure on Press Freedom: The Current Religious War on Freedom of Expression - Frederik Stjernfelt