Preface.; Introduction.; 1. Autism and Its Compensations: Autism, Schizophrenia, and Asperger's syndrome. Savants and savantism. People people and things people. Mechanistic or systemizing?; 2. Deficits in Mind: Not seeing the wood for the trees. Mind-blindness. Mentalism. From attention to intention; 3. From Gaze to Grandeur: Delusions of gaze. The why and how of passion and persecution. Conspiracies and magic. The sense of self in ASD and psychosis.; 4. Cancers of the Mind: Memory, self-deception and candour. Hyper-mentalism. Magic and religion. Mental metastasis.; 5. The Battle of the Sexes in the Brain: Strange inheritance. The extreme male brain. Selfish genius. The paternal and maternal brains. Mother's baby - father's? Maybe!; 6. Sex and Psychosis: The X in psychosis. Psychosis, poverty, and pathogens. Handedness, belief, and the brain. Paranoia and homosexuality. ASD, PSD, and normality.; 7. Genius, Madness and Psychotherapy: The cognitive configuration of genius. The genius of detective fiction. Psychotic savants. The case of Freud. Beyond the talking cure.; References.
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The Imprinted Brain: How Genes Set the Balance Between Autism and Psychosis examines what causes conditions like autism and schizoprenia and offers one of the most exciting contributions to modern psychiatric thinking since Freud. It blends science with psychology to offer insights on the genetic basis of mental disorders - and it proposes a theory for evolution that offers new light on spirituality, homosexuality, and more. Any libray catering to psychiatrists must have this!