Acknowledgements.; Introduction.; Phase 1. Psychosocial Strengthening. An orientation to therapy for parent/caregivers.; Session 1. Engagement and orientation.; Session 2. Relationships.; Session 3. Timeline.; Phase 2. Coping Skills. Session with parent/caregivers.; Session 4. Feelings.; Session 5. Body reactions.; Session 6. Thoughts.; Session 7. Active coping and problem-solving.; Session 8. Rating and rewards.; Phase 3. Trauma Processing. Session with parent/caregivers.; Session 9. Introduction to imaginal exposure.; Session 10. Gradual exposure I.; Session 11. Gradual exposure II.; Session 12. Gradual exposure III.; Session 13. Gradual exposure IV.; Phase 4. Special Issues and Closure. Session with parent/caregivers.; Session 14. Special issues I.; Session 15. Special issues II.; Session 16. Relapse prevention and closure.; Worksheets.; References.; Appendices.
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This book combines state-of-the-art understanding of contemporary research on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with an admirably practical and accessible approach to treatment for the clinician. Highly recommended.