About the Author. Explanatory Note. Introduction. Required Accessories for all Activities. Target Groups.; Part I. Developing Listening Skills.; 1. The Paper Bag.; 2. The Little Dog Lost its Collar.; 3. You're Burning.; 4. Human Obstacle.; 5. The Magic Wand.; 6. Loud and Soft.; 7. Short and Long.; 8. The King and the Thief.; 9. Cat and Mouse.; 10. Musical Rings.; 11. How Many Sounds Do you Hear?; 12. Do you Recognize me?; 13. What Time Is It?; 14. It's my Move.; 15. What is that Strange Sound?; 16. The Right Sequence.; 17. The Sound Circle.; 18. The Key Sound.; 19. Confusing the Singer.; 20. I Am Going to Catch you.; 21. The Musical Dance.; 22. Follow the Beat.; Part II. Self and Environmental Awareness.; 23. I Know my Body.; 24. Shadow Dancing.; 25. Know your Instruments.; 26. Know your Musical World.; 27. Will you Be my Guide?; 28. My Body the Sound Machine.; 29. How Many People Behind Me?; 30. What Has Been Changed?; 31. It Sounds Like This.; 32. I Move Like a ______(animal).; 33. A Walk in the Jungle.; Part III. Sound/Tone Discrimination.; 34. I Know Where it Comes From.; 35. Which Instrument is Missing?; 36. Listen to the Clues.; 37. Musical Tic-Tac-Toe.; 38. The Sound Chart.; 39. The Secret.; 40. High and Low.; 41. The Giant and the Dwarf.; 42. Dances of all Colors.; 43. Hide and Listen.; 44. I'm a Conductor.; 45. Who Said that?; 46. Listening to the School.; 47. Battle of Musical Instruments.; 48. To whom Belongs this Item?; 49. I Can Hear You.; 50. Follow the Wanderer.; 51. What Is that Sound?; 52. You Did Not See me Move.; 53. The Telephone.; 54. My Name.; 55. Playing on ''my'' Beat.; 56. Relaying the Beat.; Part IV. Body Movement Control.; 57. You Are my String Puppet.; 58. Playing a Role.; 59. Different Ways.; 60. Which One is Shorter?; 61. Reflex Ball.; 62. Follow Hands and Feet.; 63. The Tightrope Walker.; 64. Mirror Dancing.; 65. Slow Motion Movies.; 66. Silent Dancing.; 67. Accentuation.; 68. The Rhythmic Ball.; 69. Catch it Before it Falls.; Part V. Controlling Breathing.; 70. Feather Racing.; 71. The Vacuum Race.; 72. Rolling Away. 73. The Paper Ball Race.; 74. The Space Rocket.; Part VI. Creative Thinking.; 75. Follow the Instructions.; 76. I Remember the Singer.; 77. Make your Own Musical Instrument.; 78. Story with Sounds/Story of Sounds.; 79. Birth of a Butterfly.; 80. Contemporary Music or Drawing Music.; 81. Drawing a Dance.; 82. Dramatic Expression.; 83. What is the Music Saying?; 84. Hold your Rhythm.; 85. Show me your Mood.; 86. I Won't Laugh.; 87. Creatures from another Planet.; 88. I am a Sculptor.; 89. The Alphabet.; 90. Set-up a Music Video.; Part VII. Relaxation.; 91. Tin Soldier/Rag Doll.; 92. Kaboom.; 93. Ghosts.; 94. Cooking Spaghetti.; 95. Cooking Bacon.; 96. The Gingerbread Cookies.; 97. The Bomb.; 98. The Flying Handkerchief.; 99. The Very Little Engine.; 100. Dances of Scarves.
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All games within the book have lead-in information regarding age suitability, materials required and learning objectives, as well as groups for which the game has not been designed. Instructions to play are clear and concise with some including instructions on how to vary the game for specific groups or purposes as well as extra notes for clarity.