Preface. Section 1: Background. Why are Student Support Programmes Needed? Who Stands to Gain from Such a Programme. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Attribution Therapy. Developing the Programme. The Research. Student Feedback. Section 2: Guide to Running the Programme. What to Know Before Getting Started. Session One: Thoughts - Feelings - Actions. Session Two: Helpful and Unhelpful Pathways. Session Three: Where Do We Have Helpful and Unhelpful Thoughts? Session Four: How Does This All Relate to School and Learning? Session Five: Why Do We Succeed and Fail? Session Six: Becoming Super Heroes - Stopping Unhelpful Thoughts. Session Seven: Practising your New Super Powers. Session Eight: Review of What We Have Learnt. Section 3: Modifications and Extensions. Teaching by Topic. Length of the Programme. With a Larger Group or Whole Class. Encouraging Students to Use the Skills in their Own Lives. Section 4: Programme Resources. Workbook. Home Learning Sheets. Extra Material.