Academic Staff Development - Dorothy Marriss Assessment - Janice Gidman Behavioural Learning Theories - Andrew Lovell Clinical Competence - Tracey Proctor-Childs Cognitive Learning Theories - Mike Thomas Complexity Theory - Helen Cooper Curriculum Models and Design - Janice Gidman Curriculum Planning and Development - Ann Bryan Dealing with Failing and Problem Students - Julie Williams Diversity and Equality - Elizabeth Mason-Whitehead E-Learning - Jill McCarthy Experiential and Work-Based Learning - Andrea McLaughlin Feedback and Marking - Annette McIntosh Humanist Learning Theories - Annette McIntosh Information Literacy - Wendy Fiander Interprofessional Learning - Aidan Worsley Leadership and Management in Academia - Margaret Andrews Learning Environments - Annette McIntosh Learning Styles - Moira Hulme and Rob Hulme Management of Modules and Programmes - Maureen Wilkins Mastery - Peter Bradshaw Mentorship - Morag Gray Partnership Working - Annette Jinks Peer Support and Observation - Julie Bailey-McHale and Lyz Moore Practice Teaching - Karen Holland Problem-Based Learning - Jean Mannix and Annette McIntosh Professional Accountability - Elizabeth Clark and Chris Cox Quality Assurance and Enhancement - Jane Fox Reflection - Sue Lillyman Research and Scholarly Activity - Kay Currie, Nicola Andrew and Linda Proudfoot Role Model - Sandra Flynn Service-User and Carer Involvement - Terry Williams and Dianne Phipps Simulated Learning and Objective Structured Clinical Examinations - Andrea McLaughlin Specific Learning Needs of Students - Bernadette Gartside Student Support - Annette McIntosh and Janice Gidman Study Skills - Elizabeth Mason-Whitehead Supervizing Masters and PhD Students - Tom Mason Teaching Strategies - Jan Woodhouse Teaching Styles - Janice Gidman Transformative Learning - Julie Bailey-McHale