Simon Watts is PGR Training Coordinator and Deputy Head of the Graduate School in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of East Anglia, UK. He is responsible for organizing all the research, professional development, and advanced training programs for PGR students within the faculty and teaches extensively on these programs. He primarily publishes instructional papers in the area of research methodology/skills, is particularly well known for his work with Q methodology, and is lead author of the Sage publication 'Doing Q methodological research: Theory, method, and interpretation' (co-authored with Professor Paul Stenner at the Open University). Simon's various book and journal publications have been cited in excess of 2000 times since 2012. Paul Stenner is Professor of Social Psychology at The Open University, UK. He completed his PhD at the University of Reading, UK, and has held posts at the University of Brighton, University College London, University of Bath, and the University of East London. He works with process approaches to psychosocial issues. He has published work in numerous fields including the emotions, human rights, quality of life, and active ageing. With Simon Watts, he is the author of Doing Q Methodological Research: Theory, Method and Interpretation (SAGE, 2012). He has published 25 peer-reviewed articles using, or about, Q methodology and numerous book chapters, including Q methodology (Stenner, Watts, & Worrell, 2017) and The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology, Second Edition (Willig & Stainton Rogers, Eds., 2017).
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PART ONE: THEORY Introducing Q Methodology: The Inverted-Factor Technique Theory and Q Methodology: From Stephenson to Constructionism PART TWO: METHOD Basic Design Issues: Research Questions and Q Sets Doing the Fieldwork: Participants, Materials and Procedure Understanding the Analytic Process (1): Factor Extraction Understanding the Analytic Process (2): Factor Rotation and the Preparation of Factor Arrays PART THREE: INTERPRETATION Factor Interpretation Writing and Publishing Q Methodological Papers Appendices General Instructions for Completing a Q Methodological Study Conducting an Analysis Using PQ Method: A Step-by-step Guide (plus an explanation of the PQ Method output or .lis file First Draft Crib Sheets (for study factors 2, 3, 4 and 5)
This is the book the Q community has been waiting for! Aspirational Q researchers will find it a comprehensive, balanced and thorough guide, taking them systematically from refining their research question(s) to publishing their first Q methodological study Wendy Stainton Rogers Professor Emerita, The Open University Watts and Stenner's fresh, comprehensive introduction to Q methodology factor analysis and interpretation is consistently sensitive to the less-experienced researcher's need for clear explanations and extensive supporting details. All Q researchers will value its range of practical tips and elaboration of important concepts Amanda Wolf, Editor, Operant Subjectivity: The International Journal of Q Methodology According to the Q community this is' the book which they have been waiting for. To date, there lacked a book in which the simple and robust method is introduced. As a teacher and researcher, I am glad Watts and Stenner fill this gap with their book.[...]The content of Doing Q methodological research is divided into three parts, respectively into theory, method and interpretation. The book is peppered with examples and case studies and the authors give advice on very practical matters, such as conducting fieldwork, working with the participants and conducting good data management. -- Susan Jedeloo This is a comprehensive, clear, 'one-stop start' to the method with some very useful chapter summaries and appendices. [...]Together with the all-important recommended free software package for the data analysis if you were thinking of taking this approach this would be a good place to begin. -- Dr Ron Iphofen,