The SAGE Handbook of Grounded Theory


Paperback Edition

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Edited by Antony Bryant, Kathy Charmaz
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PART ONE: ORIGINS AND HISTORY GT in Historical Perspective - Antony Bryant and Kathy Charmaz An Epistemological Account Discovery of GT in Practice - Eleanor Krassner Covan Legacy of Multiple Mentors Living GT - Susan Leigh Star Cognitive amd Emotional Forms of Pragmatism PART TWO: GTM AND FORMAL GT Doing Formal Theory - Barney Glaser Essential Properties for Growing GT - Phyllis Stern Evolution of Formal GT - Margaret Kearney Orthodoxy versus Power - Jane Hood PART THREE: GT IN PRACTICE Grounding Categories - Ian Dey Development of Categories - Udo Kelle Abduction - Jo Reichertz Sampling in GT - Janice Morse Memo-Writing in GT - Lora Lempert Coding - Judith Holton PART FOUR: PRACTICALITIES Making Teams Work in Conducting GT - Carolyn Wiener Teaching GT - Sharlene Hesse-Biber GT as a Tool for IS Research - Cathy Urquhart PART FIVE: GT IN THE RESEACRH METHODS CONTEXT GT and Situational Analysis - Adele Clarke and Carrie Friese GT and Action Research - Bob Dick Integrating GT and Feminist Methods - Virginia Olesen Accommodating Critical Theory - Barry Gibson GT and the Politics of Interpretation - Norman Denzin GT and Diversity - Denise O'Neil Green et al Ethnography - Stefan Timmermans and Iddo Tavory PART SIX: GT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES GT and Reflexivity - Katja Mruck and Guenter Mey Mediating Structure and Interaction - Bruno Hildenbrand Tensions in Using GT - Karen Locke GT and Pragmatism - Joerg Struebing

Tony Bryant and Kathy Charmaz are the perfect editors for this excellent and forward looking Handbook which is surely destined to be a classic David Silverman Professor Emeritus, Goldsmiths College For anyone interested in grounded theory this is a must have book. No longer will students have to search the library or internet to find authoritative voices on a variety of topics. It's all right there at their fingertips Juliet Corbin San Jose State University In my experience of supervising and examining masters and doctoral students in the social sciences over three decades, a very large proportion of them use or claim to use grounded theory in some form or other. It appears to be the stock method of social science research and accepted without question by most university teachers and authorities (let alone students) in this field....This Handbook, at over 600 pages long, with 27 chapters (in addition to the chapter length Introduction) by more than 30 contributors, offers a vast amount of material upon which to consider some fundamental issues...There is a very useful 'Discursive Glossary of Terms' and (what a gem!) a thorough and detailed index John Pratt Higher Education Review The Sage Handbook of Grounded Theory constitutes a fascinating col-lection, and the containment of each chapter makes it very amenable to 'occasional dips' a cornucopia of ideas in to the world of grounded theory (which is, apparently, the most frequently-cited analytical approach in qualitative research publications), this volume is unsurpassed Amanda Holt Qualitative Research

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