Key Concepts in Event Management


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By Bernadette Quinn
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Bernadette Quinn has a PhD in Human Geography from University College Dublin. She currently lectures and researches in the Department of Tourism at the Dublin Institute of Technology. The nature and meaning of festivals and festivity in contemporary society has been a key research interest and her work on the topic has been published in a number of international journals including Urban Studies, Social and Cultural Geography, Tourism Geographies, Event management and the Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events. Other research interests include the relationship between culture and tourism, leisure and social inclusion and contemporary forms of tourism mobility. Publications on these topics have appeared in the Annals of Tourism Research, Gender, Place and Culture and Leisure Studies as well as in various edited book collections. Her teaching interests mirror her research interests and she is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate tourism management and event management programmes teaching modules related to cultural tourism, international festival environments, tourism studies and tourism and event policy. She is actively involved in the ATLAS Events Special Interest Group and has co-authored a chapter on festivals and social capital in their forthcoming book on Exploring the Social Impact of Events.

Introduction Authenticity Bidding Community Festivals Definitions Economic Impact Emerging Economies European City of Culture Evaluation Event Management Experience Festival Identity Innovation Leveraging Marketing MICE /MEEC Motivation Olympic Games Place Marketing Planning Policy Power and Politics Regeneration Regional Development Risk Management Service Quality Social Capital Social Function Social Impact Sponsorship Sports Events Stakeholders Sustainable Events Tourism Volunteering

Every student of planned events has to be aware of what others are doing and saying, so a book of this nature is essential reading. -- Professor Don Getz Festivals and events constitute a major area of policy and practice at local, regional and national levels and yet academic explorations of their social, cultural and economic contributions are still in their relative infancy. This volume is to be hugely welcomed as it introduces, defines and reviews the key concepts in a thoroughly accessible way for both students and researchers alike. I anticipate that this will quickly become a key reference guide for events students everywhere. -- Professor Nigel Morgan Provides a valuable resource for students wanting to clarify terms and to delve deeper into the supporting literature. A useful text for Events courses which considers event concepts from an international perspective and provides links to a number of studies in the event management field. -- Debra Wale This book is clearly elucidated and the information is very accessible. It should be of interest to a worlwide audience of students, researchers and practitioners in this vital subject area. -- Professor Tazim Jamal Multidisciplinary in its scope, this book traces key meanings, practices and policies in a sophisticaed and accessible way. -- Professor Deborah Stevenson This is an excellent introduction to a wide range of important concepts that inform the academic analysis of events and festivals. -- Professor Rhodri Thomas Bernardette Quinn presents in her book an interesting perspective on events management, with an integrated overview of every single phase of the management process as well as the impacts created in the community....This book, indeed, makes a worthwhile contribution to the field of events management by bringing together in one single volume case studies and examples of different kinds of events worldwide, namely the ones related to the European city of culture, Festivals, Olympic Games or Sport events. -- International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

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