Henderikus Stam is Professor of Psychology at the University of Calgary. He is the founding and current editor of the journal Theory and Psychology and is a former President of Division 24 (Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology) of the American Psychological Association as well as a former President of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology. He has published widely and his research focuses mainly on the history of psychology and the theoretical foundations of psychology.
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VOLUME ONE: THE ORIGINS OF A THEORETICAL PSYCHOLOGY Introduction - Henderikus Stam PART ONE: THEORY IN PSYCHOLOGY The Psychology of Controversy - Edwin Boring The Conceptual Focus of Some Psychological Systems - Egon Brunswik The Two Disciplines of Scientific Psychology - Lee Cronbach The Place of Theory in Science - Karl Dallenbach That's Interesting! - Murray Davis Towards a Phenomenology of Sociology and a Sociology of Phenomenology A Project for a Scientific Psychology - Sigmund Freud The Logical Analysis of Psychology - Carl Hempel Psychology and Emerging Conceptions of Knowledge as Unitary - Sigmund Koch Theoretical Psychology 1950 - Sigmund Koch An Overview Wundt's Creature at Age Zero - and as Centenarian - Sigmund Koch Some Aspects of the Institutionalization of the 'New Psychology' The Conflict between Aristotelian and Galilean Modes of Thought in Contemporary Psychology - Kurt Lewin The Formal Criteria of a Systematic Psychology - John McGeoch The Current Impact of Freud upon Psychology - Gardner Murphy The Cult of Empiricism in Psychology, and beyond - Stephen Toulmin and David Leary The Nature of Theory Construction in Contemporary Psychology - Kenneth Spence Virtue Rewarded and Vice Punished - Ruth Tolman VOLUME TWO: THEORY AND METHOD PART ONE: PSYCHOPHYSICS Psychophysical Analysis - Louis Thurstone The Direct Estimation of Sensory Magnitudes-Loudness - Stanley Stevens Is There a Sensory Threshold? - John Swets PART TWO: MEASUREMENT A Theory of Data - Clyde Coombs Theoretical Risks and Tabular Asterisks - Paul Meehl Sir Karl, Sir Ronald and the Slow Progress of Soft Psychology Measurement Scales and Statistics - Joel Michell A Clash of Paradigms Construct Validity in Psychological Tests - Lee Cronbach and Paul Meehl The Fallacy of the Null-Hypothesis Significance Test - William Rozeboom Simultaneous Conjoint Measurement - R. Duncan Luce and John Tukey A New Type of Fundamental Measurement Construct Validity - Harold Bechtoldt A Critique Psychology and the Science of Science - Stanley Stevens Measurement and Man - Stanley Stevens On the Statistical Treatment of Football Numbers - Frederic Lord PART THREE: METHODOLOGY Psychology's Bridgman versus Bridgman's Bridgman - Sigmund Koch An Essay in Reconstruction Reflexivity - W. Donald Oliver and Alvin Landfield An Unfaced Issue of Psychology On the Social Psychology of the Psychological Experiment - Martin Orne With Particular Reference to Demand Characteristics and Their Implications Covert Communication in the Psychological Experiment - Robert Rosenthal On a Distinction between Hypothetical Constructs and Intervening Variables - Kenneth MacCorquodale and Paul Meehl VOLUME THREE: MAJOR THEORETICAL POSITIONS IN TWENTIETH CENTURY PSYCHOLOGY PART ONE: FUNCTIONALISM The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology - John Dewey Structural and Functional Psychology - Edward Titchener Minds and Machines - Hilary Putnam PART TWO: BEHAVIORISM Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It - John Watson A New Formula for Behaviorism - Edward Chace Tolman The Conflicting Psychologies of Learning - Clark Hull A Way out Are Theories of Learning Necessary? - Burrhus Skinner The Psychologist Looks at Language - O. Hobart Mowrer The Methods and Postulates of 'Behaviorism' - Kenneth Spence PART THREE: THE EMERGENCE OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Human Memory - Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin A Proposed System and Its Control Processes A Mechanical Model for Human Attention and Immediate Memory - Donald Broadbent Review of Verbal Behavior - Noam Chomsky Gestalt Psychology Today - Wolfgang Koehler The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two - George Miller Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information Are Theories of Perception Necessary? - Alan Costall The Knowledge Level - Allen Newell Computer Simulation of Human Thinking - Allen Newell and Herbert Simon VOLUME FOUR: THE HUMAN DILEMMA: SOCIAL, DEVELOPMENTAL AND ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY PART ONE : SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Field Theory and Experiments in Social Psychology - Kurt Lewin Concepts and Methods The Need for a Phenomenological System of Psychology - Donald Snygg Social Psychology as History - Kenneth Gergen Scientific Models and Human Morals - Gordon Allport Contributions to Role-Taking Theory - Theodore Sarbin I Hypnotic Behavior From Acts to Dispositions - Edward Jones and Keith Davis The Attribution Process in Person Perception PART TWO: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Conceptual Emphasis in the History of Developmental Psychology - S. Anandalakshmy and Robert Grinder Evolutionary Theory, Teleology and the Nature-Nurture Issue Selection from the Construction of Reality in the Child - Jean Piaget The Concept of Development from a Comparative and Organismic Point of View - Heinz Werner Selection from Identity - Erik Erikson Youth and Crisis Transmission of Aggression through Imitation of Aggressive Models - Albert Bandura, Dorothea Ross and Sheila Ross Moral Stages and Moralization - Lawrence Kohlberg The Cognitive-Developmental Approach PART THREE : ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHOPATHOLOGY, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY A Stimulus-Response Theory of Anxiety and Its Role as a Reinforcing Agent - O. Hobart Mowrer Significant Aspects of Client-Centered Therapy - Carl Rogers Persons or Science? A Philosophical Question - Carl Rogers The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual - Evelyn Hooker A Critique of Cultural and Statistical Concepts of Abnormality - Henry Wegrocki Psychotherapy - Joseph Wolpe The Non-Scientific Heritage and the New Science Intensive Treatment of Psychotic Behaviour by Stimulus Satiation and Food Reinforcement - Teodoro Ayllon