Dr Jean-Paul Rodrigue is Professor of Geography at Hofstra University, New York. Theo Notteboom is Foreign Expert/Professor at the Transportation Management College of Dalian Maritime University in China. Notteboom is also a part-time professor at the University of Antwerp and a part-time professor in maritime transport at the Antwerp Maritime Academy.
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INTRODUCTION The Handbook of Transport Studies - Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Theo Notteboom & Jon Shaw PART ONE: TRANSPORT IN THE GLOBAL WORLD Transport Flows and Globalization - Jean-Paul Rodrigue Transborder Transportation - William P Anderson Containerization and Intermodal Transportation - Antoine Fremont Global Air Transportation - John T Bowen, Jr Maritime Transportation and Seaports - Theo Notteboom PART TWO: TRANSPORT IN REGIONS AND LOCALITIES Urban Transportation and Land Use - Jean-Paul Rodrigue City Logistics - Laetitia Dablanc The Siting and Setting of Airport Terminals - David Gillen Freight Distribution Centres, Freight Clusters and Logistics Parks - Markus Hesse The Role of Inland Terminals in Intermodal Transport Development - Ekki Kreutzberger and Rob Konings PART THREE: TRANSPORT, ECONOMY AND SOCIETY Transport Markets - Theo Notteboom Transport and Economic Development - Iain Docherty and Danny MacKinnon Impacts of ICT on Travel Behaviour: A Tapestry of Relationships - Patricia Mokhtarian and Gil Tal Transport and Social Exclusion - Karen Lucas PART FOUR: TRANSPORT POLICY Transport Policy Instruments - Theo Notteboom Transport Pricing and Subsidy - Chris Nash and Bryan Matthews Transport, Travel and Health in Public Policy: A Journey Begun - Adrian Davis and Hugh Annett PART FIVE: TRANSPORT NETWORKS AND MODELS Transport Flow, Distribution and Allocation Models, Traffic Assignment and Forecasting - Lorant A. Tavasszy and Michiel Bliemer Structure and Dynamics of Transport Networks: Models, Methods and Applications - Cesar Ducruet and Igor Lugo Locational Transport Models: Production and Attraction - Veronique van Acker and Frank Witlox Incident and Emergency Management in Traffic - Kaan Ozbay and Pushkin Kachroo PART SIX: TRANSPORT AND THE ENVIRONMENT Transport and Energy Use - Stephen Potter, Christopher Berridge, Matthew Cook and Per-Anders Langendahl Transport, Climate Change and the Environment - Tim Ryley and Lee Chapman Green Supply-Chain Management - Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Brian Slack and Claude Comtois
The tone and content of this book provides an excellent foundation for informed debate... undoubtedly provides a cohesive account of the current state of play in academia. -- Robin Lovelace