Introduction. 1. Carers in Context. 2. Carers are... 3. The Impact of Caring. 4. Carers' Assessments. 5. Providing Services that Carers Want. 6. Direct Work with Carers: Preparation. 7. Improving Communication. 8. Emotional Support. 9. Information and Involvement. 10. Young Carers. 11. Carers of People with Mental Health Problems. 12. Parent Carers. Conclusion: The Future for Carers in Policy and Practice. Useful Addresses. References. Index.
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`...a handbook for social workers by Christine Heron; but her concern for the political and bureaucratic issues as well as the practical difficulties faced by people looking after mentally ill relatives, or disabled children, makes this book important for anyone concerned about the issues, and able to have some influence in their community.'