1On the Eve of Battle First acquaintance 9Reconnaissance in force 19Untouchable 34Ascent 382The First Match: 1984/85 Opening preparation 54Face to face (games 1-5) 58Catastrophe (games 6-9) 84The champion relaxes the pressure (games 10 15) 116I am not yet ready to win (games 16-27) 133The collapse of Karpov's dream (games 28-32) 163Above the precipice (games 33-41) 182The 'corpse' comes alive (games 42-48) 210Stages of the battle 2423The 49th Game Shadow of Baguio 246'We agreed on something quite different!' 253To whose benefit? 264'The match must take place!' 2694 The Second Match: 1985 Surprise for the champion (games 1-3) 277Double knock-down (games 4-5) 296High tension (games 6-11) 308Miracle gambit (games 12-16) 340In classical style (games 17-19) 364Hypnosis of the champion's title (games 20-23) 377Start of a new era (game 24) 405Index of Openings 420Index of Complete Games 422