Text is everywhere in schools and colleges, and students have to deal with reams of it during their learning lives. Most of it is interesting, well-written and rewarding
That is if we can only get our students to read it!Cardit! Can help. This software allows you to organise text and produce cards that can be used in a multitude of games, making learning fun.Offering a wealth of ideas for games using text, the real beauty of this program is that it makes it easy for you to generate packs of cards to play these games. Over time, you can build up your own database of texts that you want your students to study, and mix and match them in new and exciting ways.Cardit! Takes the drudgery out of producing learning resources for any subject, and opens up a whole new world of possibilities for lively, engaging classroom practice.Cardit! Can be used to explore any topic that can be broken up and put back together again, proving effective for almost any subject. Examples of uses could vary from literary texts in English, sequences in Science and History, to conversations in Modern Languages.With the program you can organise text and then create packs of cards of whatever number and content you wish. Comprehensive formatting gives you control over font, size and colour. These packs can be used as the basis of a multitude of games allowing students to engage with the subject in hand.