Poet, educator and musician, Samatar Elmi's work plays in the liminal spaces between racial, socio-cultural and political identity claims. A graduate of Peepal Tree Press's Young Inscribe Mentoring Program, his work has been published in journals such as Magma, Ink Sweat and Tears and Iota, as well as in the anthology filigree. Samatar has previously been shortlisted for the Venture Award, the Complete Works II and New Generation African Poets. Portrait of Colossus is his debut pamphlet.
"Samatar Elmi's Portrait of Colossus is the work of a hybrid sensibility taking its cues equally from the rhythms and narrative drive of the Hip Hop emcee and the wisdom of a true historian; one who looks at the world and sees not just the world as it is but as it has been, as it might yet be." - Kayo Chingonyi