In a rich contemplation of Christian life and practise, Louise Mary Sofair relates the events in the Gospels to the rhythms of the year. Viewing the key Christian festivals from the perspective of the twelve months of the yearly cycle, she points to relevant events in the Gospels, focusing on the role of women.
In the second part of the book she celebrates the biographies of twelve influential women who played significant roles in humanity's development - from the medieval Clare of Assisi and Eleanor of Castile to the more recent Edith Stein and Ita Wegman. In her concluding chapter, the author discusses the meaning of the Eternal Feminine and its implications for the future of humanity. With reference to the Book of Revelation she describes how, '...the united masculine, spiritual element and feminine, higher-soul element of the future human an invitation to all those who wish to share in the community of eternal Life.' Although centred on themes of feminine spirituality, this book is relevant to anyone interested in the task of personal transformation and the healthy progress of the human race.