These exercises work. They are simple and immediately usable in a class; they all lead to creative satisfaction: i.e. they are practically imaginativea
'Richard Ramsbotham
This book is quite simply the best I have ever come across on Creative Writing. I think this is because it has a spiritual direction, and therefore makes sense overall. Most such books end up by having no idea what it is all for. Paul shows us this, with great strength.a
'Peter Redgrove, poet
Those familiar with the work of Paul Matthews, particularly those who would like to use this book in their work as group facilitators with children or adults, will welcome the additional material that places the writing tasks in a developmental context that is intrinsic, I would claim, to the 'life structure' of the language. For those who are new to this work: welcome to a singular guide and companion on the creative path and life of the imagination.a
'Andie Lewenstein, New View