Preface Acknowledgements How to use this book Section 1: Introduction Ch 1: A career in surgery 1.1: Direct clinical care 1.2: Supporting professional activities 1.3: Additional NHS responsibilities Ch 2: Training outline and requirements for progression 2.1: Training structure 2.2: Requirements for progression Section 2: The surgical portfolio Ch 3: Portfolio presentation and structure 3.1: Table of contents 3.2: Structure Ch 4: Portfolio maintenance and the surgical logbook 4.1: General principles 4.2: Evidence required 4.3: Surgical logbook Ch 5: Creating good opportunities and maximising yield 5.1: Creating good opportunities 5.2: Maximising yield Ch 6: Portfolio domains 6.1: Using this chapter 6.2: Research 6.3: Teaching and education 6.4: Quality improvement and clinical audit 6.5: Leadership and management 6.6: Academic achievement and higher degrees 6.7: Commitment to specialty Section 3: The surgical interview Ch 7: General interview advice 7.1: Preparation 7.2: Interview day Ch 8: Understanding the question 8.1: Closed questions about professional qualities 8.2: Open questions 8.3: Ethics and professionalism 8.4: Clinical scenarios 8.5: Specific knowledge Ch 9: Characteristics assessed at interview - 'buzzwords' Ch 10: Professional qualities 10.1: How to answer questions about professional qualities 10.2: Research 10.3: Teaching and education 10.4: Quality improvement and clinical audit 10.5: Leadership and management 10.6: Communication 10.7: Teamwork 10.8: Working under pressure 10.9: Probity 10.10: Empathy and compassion Ch 11: Open questions 11.1: How to answer open questions 11.2: Why surgery? 11.3: Why this specialty? 11.4: Why this region's programme? 11.5: Tell me about yourself 11.6: What are your weaknesses? Ch 12: Ethics and professionalism 12.1: How to answer ethics and professionalism questions 12.2: Common themes 12.3: Practice questions Ch 13: Clinical scenarios 13.1: Purpose of this chapter 13.2: How to answer clinical questions 13.3: General surgery 13.4: Trauma and orthopaedic surgery 13.5: Vascular and cardiothoracic surgery 13.6: Neurosurgery 13.7: Plastic surgery 13.8: Urology 13.9: Ear, nose and throat surgery 13.10: Perioperative care 13.11: Advanced trauma life support (ATLS) 13.12: Managing a theatre list Ch 14: Knowledge-based interview stations 14.1: Apprenticeship 14.2: Leadership 14.3: Scholarship Index