Life in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is no party ... or so we thought. In Saudi Arabia Undercover, expat Harper Walsh busts this myth with true stories of homemade alcohol, pill popping, parties staffed by pretty Ethiopian girls in expat gated compounds, smuggled bacon sandwiches and frequent trips over the border into Bahrain for booze and sex. With few opportunities for Saudi men to interact with women - beyond flirtatious eye contact with burqa-clad supermarket checkout girls and the unceasing sexual abuse of Filipina maids - the use of gay dating apps is rife. In this hilarious piece of gonzo journalism, Walsh and his merry band of expat misfits walk readers down the male-dominated streets of Saudi Arabia, where a Friday nights entertainment might include a visit to McDonalds followed by a public decapitation at Chop Chop Square, and on much-deserved R&R breaks to Bahrain, Bangkok and Cairo, where a glass of cold beer does not invite 100 lashes, imprisonment and certain deportation.