Dawn Langman's research into character creation invites the future into the present: suggesting the intriguing connection between the evolving universe, human consciousness and the mysteries at work in relationships and destiny.' Penelope Snowdon-Lait, Co-director, Spirit of the Word training, New Zealand
Word Made Flesh is ground-breaking work, deeply inspiring and full of surprises! It creates a compelling, practical methodology for all actors courageous enough to tread a transformational path. Dawn's visionary approach to eurythmical elements and gestures forges new dimensions of the actor's innermost skill, allowing for unequalled depth of expression, emotion and meaning.' Diane Tatum, eurythmist and teacher, Pacifica College of Eurythmy, Australia
Dawn Langman creates a pathway into Michael Chekhov's most profound intentions regarding the theatre of the future and the actor as an instrument of body, soul and spirit. Her comprehensive explorations demonstrate why Chekhov believed that Rudolf Steiner's arts of eurythmy and creative speech were integrally related to his own path for the actor. She has achieved a thorough, intuitive and fearless integration of the two systems and recovered their organic relationship. As a long-time student and teacher of both methods, I find her explorations, along with the book's clarifying illustrations, a clear call to deeper understanding of this integrated approach.' Dr Diane Caracciolo, Associate Professor of Educational Theatre, Adelphi University, USA