Kim John Payne is a leading Steiner Waldorf educator. His social inclusion approach for breaking down the patterns of bullying has been implemented in hundreds of schools. He researched a drug free approach to tackling Attention Deficit Disorder. His books, Games Children Play and Simplicity Parenting are best sellers. Father of two, he lives with his family in Massachusetts.
Cory Waletzko was a professional dancer, actor and musician before becoming a movement and games educator at Upper Valley Waldorf School in Quechee, Vermont. As a Spacial Dynamics Institute graduate and adjunct faculty member at Antioch University, she has trained trainers in Movement Education and mentored games and movement educators. She works with social inclusion in public and private schools across North America.
Valerie Baadh Garrett is a movement artist, educator and therapist working with people of all ages. She worked in Waldorf Education, Spacial Dynamics and Agile Aging, also teacher training in the USA and China.