Bernard Lievegoed (1905-1993) was a distinguished doctor, educator, organisational psychologist and Professor of Social Pedagogy. He pioneered curative education in Holland, founding the Zonnehuis in 1931; as a social ecologist started the NPI Institute for organizational and individual development in 1954 and the Free High School for young people in 1971.
Humanity is crossing the threshold of the spiritual world. The inward path of the Egyptian Mysteries. The path outward of the Northern Mysteries. The Dream Song of Olav Asteson. The day and the night human being. Novalis Hymns to the Night. The second human in us. Initiation paths in the past and now: Eastern, Medieval Christian and Christian Rosicrucian. The anthroposophical path of inner training. The human double. Planetary processes in the cosmos and the human being. Development of the sentient, intellectual and consciousness souls. The Shadow on the path inwards and on the path outwards. Therapeutic thinking in anthroposophical psychotherapy. Viewpoints for diagnosis and therapy of soul disturbances. Escape routes. The training of the therapist.